he felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell her the truth

listen to the pronunciation of he felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell her the truth
English - German
Er spürte den unwiderstehlichen Drang, ihr die Wahrheit zu sagen
he felt an overwhelming compulsion to tell her the truth


    he felt an o·ver·whelm·ing com·pul·sion to tell her the truth

    Turkish pronunciation

    hi felt ın ōvırhwelmîng kımpʌlşın tı tel hır dhi truth


    /ˈhē ˈfelt ən ˌōvərˈhwelməɴɢ kəmˈpəlsʜən tə ˈtel hər ᴛʜē ˈtro͞oᴛʜ/ /ˈhiː ˈfɛlt ən ˌoʊvɜrˈhwɛlmɪŋ kəmˈpʌlʃən tə ˈtɛl hɜr ðiː ˈtruːθ/