(Askeri) TEHLİKELİ MALZEME (HV.): Patlayıcı maddeler, yanıcı maddeler, zehirli kimya maddeleri, iyonlanmış radyasyon veya elektromanyetik enerji kaynakları, yanıcı maddeler (oxidizing material) korozyon meydana getiren maddeler ve tazyik edilmiş gazlar
Definition of hazardous material in English English dictionary
A substance, natural or man-made, which is intrinsically dangerous or otherwise poses a safety hazard. Examples are materials which are explosive, poisonous, chemically active (including acids and other corrosives), radioactive, or biologically active (including human blood and other medical waste)
(Ticaret) Substances that can cause harm to people, facilities or the environment when improperly handled. Hazardous materials require segregation from non-hazardous items, special storage, movement and disposal systems, and documentation that identifies them as such when being shipped