Definition of hayalin in Turkish English dictionary
- fantasy
- The drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
- That which comes from one's imagination
- {n} a specter, a ghost, something imaginary
- Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor
- Fantastic designs
- stories set in an unreal world Fantasy is based upon the imagination in one's mind
- something that can bring you unlimited joy as long as you don't try to realize it
- To have a fancy for; to be pleased with; to like; to fancy
- A medal struck, not as a possible coin design (pattern), but simply as a piece of art/sculpture in a numismatic form Many fantasy coins have become collectors items eg the numerous issues struck following the abdication of Edward VIII and various private designs struck around the time of decimalisation
- Any conscious break with reality, whether in the relatively benign forms of caprices and daydreams, or in the more psychologically charged delusions and hallucinations
- A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen. fantasies of romance and true love. = dream
- In LeGuin's term, literature that is grounded in a supernatural, non-scientific, magical worldview For LeGuin, fantasy is the "grandmother"; SF is one of the "kids "
- fiction with a large amount of fantasy in it; "she made a lot of money writing romantic fantasies"
- imagination unrestricted by reality; "a schoolgirl fantasy" fiction with a large amount of fantasy in it; "she made a lot of money writing romantic fantasies
- fantasy has nothing to do with an opposition between reality and illusion , but rather interjects a third term, physical reality, that structures them both The classic account of fantasy in Laplanche and Pontalis [1968] 'Fantasy and the Origins of Sexuality'
- A highly imaginative tale about somewhat believable, but nonexistent, characters, places, and events
- A story that is realistic except for one important detail, which is so handled as to give the story an imaginative and whimsical tone (for example, "By the Waters of Babylon" which is realistic, except for the fact that it is supposed to take place in the future after present civilization has been destroyed)
- The literary genre generally dealing with themes of magic and fictive medieval technology
- A creation of something heretofore nonexistent, eg, a note or any collectible, or a piece of art, etc, intended to defraud collectors by implying genuine historical significance The Shroud of Turin comes to mind
- In CSS terms, a generic font-family category which includes decorative or display fonts and should be used as a "fall back" after a series of named fonts: H1 PosterHead{ font-family: Algerian "Lucida Grand" fantasy; } Fantasy class fonts are not recommended for low scale body text
- hayal
- imagination
When we write a novel, we exercise our imagination.
- Bir roman yazarken, hayal gücümüzü çalıştırırız.
Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything.
- Bilmek bir şey değildir, hayal gücü her şeydir.
- hayal
- dream
One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic.
- Hayallerimden biri İzlandaca öğrenmek.
Claude, an autotropic boy in my class whose skin is green due to chlorophyll, dreams of foresting the moon.
- Claude; sınıfımda klorofil dolayısıyla yeşil tenli olan ototrofik bir çocuk, ayın ormanlaşmasını hayal ediyor.
- hayal
- {i} fancy
I never for a moment imagined I'd be able to afford to live in such a fancy house.
- Böyle süslü bir evde yaşayabileceğimi bir an bile asla hayal etmedim.
A dragon is a creature of fancy.
- Bir ejderha hayali bir yaratıktır.
- hayâl
- {i} daydream
I waste a lot of time daydreaming.
- Hayal kurarak bir sürü zamanı boşa harcarım.
Tom is always daydreaming.
- Tom her zaman hayal kuruyor.
- hayal
- fantasy
The inactive child is far more inclined to live in a world of fantasy.
- Durgun olan çocuk bir hayal dünyasında yaşamaya daha meyillidir.
Can't you divorce fantasy from reality?
- Hayali gerçekten ayıramıyor musun?
- hayal
- vision
Chaplin was visionary.
- Chaplin hayalperestti.
- hayal
- conceive
- hayal
- wishful thinking
This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking.
- Senin bu iş planı neredeyse çok iyimser görünüyor. Bütün söyleyebileceğim onun bir boş hayalden daha fazlası olduğunu ummamdır.
- hayal
- flight of fancy
- hayal
- castle in the air
- hayal
- fiction
- hayal
- (Bilgisayar) mystify
- hayal
- castle in spain
- hayal
- (Teknik,Televizyon) ghost image
- hayal
- (deyim) day dream
- hayal
- (Konuşma Dili) air castle
- hayal
- make-believe
My daughter has a make-believe friend.
- Kızımın hayali bir arkadaşı var.
- hayal
- {i} delusion
Tom is completely delusional.
- Tom tamamen hayal görüyor.
Tom said that Mary was delusional.
- Tom Mary'nin hayal dünyasında yaşayan olduğunu söyledi.
- hayal
- dreamy
- hayal
- daydream
Tom seems to be daydreaming.
- Tom hayal kuruyor gibi görünüyor.
Tom is always daydreaming.
- Tom her zaman hayal kuruyor.
- hayal
- simulacrum
- hayal
- romance
- hayal
- reverie
- hayal
- reflection
- hayal
- phantasm
- hayal
- image
I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.
- Şeytanın var olmadığını düşünüyorum, bence insanlık onu yarattı,kendi hayalinde ve tasvirinde
I could not image how cruel he was at that time.
- Ben onun o zaman ne kadar acımasız olduğunu hayal edemiyordum.
- hayal
- pie in the sky
- hayal
- castle
As he walked along, his brain was busy planning hundreds of wonderful things, building hundreds of castles in the air.
- O yürürken onun beyni yüzlerce harika şeyler planlamakla, yüzlerce hayaller kurmakla meşguldü.
- hayal
- pipe dream
- hayal
- dreamed of
- hayal
- shadow, indistinct image
- hayal
- shadow show
- hayal
- dream, fantasy, daydream; image; reflection; fancy, imagination; spectre, phantom; pipe dream
- hayal
- bubble
During the bubble, people dreamt of a life of leisure.
- Hayal sırasında, insanlar rahat bir hayatı hayal ettiler.
- hayal
- ghost, vision, apparition
- hayal
- waking dream
- hayal
- spectre [Brit.]
- hayal
- illusion
Everything is just an illusion.
- Her şey bir hayalden ibaret.
Man is born without teeth, without hair, and without illusions. And he dies the same way: without teeth, without hair, and without illusions.
- İnsanlar dişleri olmadan, saçları olmadan, hayalleri olmadan doğarlar. Ve aynı şekilde ölürler: dişleri olmadan, saçları olmadan ve hayalleri olmadan.
- hayal
- flat figure used in a shadow show
- hayal
- phantasy
- hayal
- image, reflection
- hayal
- shadow
Do ghosts have shadows?
- Hayaletlerin gölgeleri var mı?
- hayal
- specter
- hayal
- imagined thing, vision, fancy; fantasy; dream; daydream
- hayal
- illusiveness
- hayal
- {i} phantom
The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached.
- Hayalet yavaş yavaş, ciddi, sessizce yaklaştı.
- hayal
- eidolon
- hayal
- imagery
- hayal
- {i} spectre
- hayal
- species
- hayal
- shape
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a strange, scary shape on my bed.
- Gecenin ortasında uyandım ve yatağımda garip, korkunç bir hayalet gördüm.
- hayal
- hallunication
- hayal
- pink elephant
- hayal
- castles in the air
- hayal
- castles in spain