have out

listen to the pronunciation of have out
English - English

Definition of have out in English English dictionary

have one's hand out
To be requesting benefits, especially if not entitled to them

Whenever there was an appropriations bill, he always had his hand out for his guys.

have one's work cut out for one
To face a large task or project

If he plans to translate all the idioms, he has his work cut out for him.

have it out
settle a disagreement
have one's shirt out
be angry
have the work cut out
have a hard job to do, have a job which demands a lot of work and effort
Turkish - English

Definition of have out in Turkish English dictionary

kithe thing wouldn't have turned out any differently
6. when: Henüz uykuya dalmıştım ki, bir patlama oldu. I'd just dropped off to sleep when something exploded. 7. ..., I wonder?: Bilmem ki ne yapsam? What should I do, I wonder? 8. indicates frustration, disapproval, doubt, or anxiety: O bana inanmaz ki! She will not believe me, so why should I talk with her? Ama bana verirler mi ki? But will they actually give it to me, I wonder? 9. used for emphasis: Öyle güzel ki! It's more beautiful than I can say! Öyle bir para döktü ki! He spent money like it was going out of style! Araba ki ne araba! It's a car and a half!/It's some car!
have out

    Turkish pronunciation

    häv aut


    /ˈhav ˈout/ /ˈhæv ˈaʊt/


    [ 'hav, (h)&v, v; in "hav ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English habban; akin to Old High German habEn to have, and perhaps to hevan to lift; more at HEAVE.