hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from switzerland

listen to the pronunciation of hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from switzerland
English - Turkish

Definition of hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from switzerland in English Turkish dictionary

swiss cheese
(Gıda) gravyer
English - English
swiss cheese
hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from switzerland


    hard pale yel·low cheese with ma·ny holes from Switz·er·land

    Turkish pronunciation

    härd peyl yelō çiz wîdh meni hōlz fırm swîtsırlınd


    /ˈhärd ˈpāl ˈyelō ˈʧēz wəᴛʜ ˈmenē ˈhōlz fərm ˈswətsərlənd/ /ˈhɑːrd ˈpeɪl ˈjɛloʊ ˈʧiːz wɪð ˈmɛniː ˈhoʊlz fɜrm ˈswɪtsɜrlənd/