happen as a result

listen to the pronunciation of happen as a result
English - Turkish

Definition of happen as a result in English Turkish dictionary

as a result
Sonuç olarak

Sonuç olarak yağışlı günlerde içeride top oynarız. - As a result, we play ball inside on rainy days.

Sürücü trafik kurallarını çiğnedi, sonuç olarak da cezalandırıldı. - The driver violated the traffic rules; as a result, he was fined.

as a result
sonuç itibariyle
as a result
sonuç itibarıyla
as a result
sonucu olarak

Savaşın bir sonucu olarak, birçok kişi öldü. - As a result of the war, many people died.

Kaza sonucu olarak birçok yolcu öldü. - As a result of the accident, several passengers were killed.

English - English

Definition of happen as a result in English English dictionary

as a result
Consequently; thus; therefore
As a result
as a result
due to that, therefore, accordingly
happen as a result


    hap·pen as a re·sult

    Turkish pronunciation

    häpın äz ı rizʌlt


    /ˈhapən ˈaz ə rēˈzəlt/ /ˈhæpən ˈæz ə riːˈzʌlt/