Definition of hadith in English English dictionary
the collected sayings and actions of Muhammad and his companions as related by eyewitnesses, used to determine the Sunna (Muslim way of life)
{i} collection of writings that document the sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad, one of the main sources of Islamic law (second in authority to the Koran)
In Islam, the tradition or collection of traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad that include his sayings, acts, and approval or disapproval of things. adth is revered by Muslims as a major source of religious law and moral guidance. It consists of two parts: the oral law itself and the isnd, or chain of authorities who passed it down to posterity. The various collections of adth provide the major source for studying the development of Islam in its first few centuries
an account, report or a statement; technically, traditions or statements related from the Prophet on the authority of various transmitters
(Islam) the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Koran
Recorded teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), outside of the Qur'an Also known as "The Traditions" The Hadith is commonly taught in Islamic culture as a part of Islamic theology
Tradition based on the precedent of Muhammad's nondivinely revealed words that serves as one of the sources of Islamic law (sharia)
(Islam) a tradition based on reports of the sayings and activities of Muhammad and his companions
the collected sayings and actions of Muhammad and his companions; used to determine the Sunna (Muslim way of life)
Arabic for traditions told about Muhammad after the compilation of the Qur'an These traditions provide a second source for Islamic law and practice (available online)
the collected sayings and biography of Muhammad, forming the second great religious text of Islam a fter the Qur'an A hadith is one of the sayings within this larger compilation
Tradition, saying (usually of the Blessed Prophet but sometimes related by the Holy Imams, relating his deeds and utterances); speech, account, narrative From the verb hadatha, to happen, be new; and haddatha, to relate or report, speak about
or Hadeeth (pl Ahadith or Ahaadeeth) An account of the sayings, actions and any other characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad A hadith consists of two parts: the sanad, which is the chain of names of people who have narrated the hadith through the generations, and the matn, or the actual text and substance of the report Many books of hadith were compiled in the beginning eras of Islam and thus we have a good record of how Muslims should be leading their lives The term hadith is slightly more general than the term sunnah although the two are generally interchangeable (Sunnah is not usually applied to physical characteristics of the Prophet ) See also sunnah Related articles: An Introduction to Hadith
This is a body of literature, which is comprised of Muhammad's behavior, sayings, teachings, etc Most Muslims try to emulate the character of Muhammad in their daily lives and use the hadith as a key source to that end Qur'an together with hadith constitute the two most authoritative sources for moral, ethical and spiritual guidance
Form of analysis established by 9th-century Muslim traditionalists to verify the merits of the Hadth. Of the many accounts of Muhammad's statements and actions that constituted the adth, some were thought to be forgeries or of doubtful reliability. Scholars judged their merit by scrutinizing the isnds that detailed the chain of authority through which the story had been handed down
() From Arabic حديث (ħadí:θ, “Prophetic tradition”) حدث (ħáddaθa, “to tell, relate, report”).