
listen to the pronunciation of had}
English - Turkish

Definition of had} in English Turkish dictionary

sahip ol

Keşke bir zamanlar sahip olduğum tonu ve atikliği geri alabilsem. - I wish I could get back the tone and nimbleness I once had.

O, yarışmada hangi yeteneğe sahip olduğunu gösterdi. - In the contest he fully displayed what ability he had.

f., bak. have
(e) aldatılmak
(bkz.) have
had an investment
yatırım yap
had better
iyi olur

Elinden geldiğince açık konuşsan iyi olur. - You had better talk as clearly as you can.

O kadar çok sigara içmesen iyi olur. - You had better not smoke so much.

had fun
had position
pozisyon al
have had it
had a bowel movement, defecated
bir bağırsak hareketi, defecated vardı
had a fit
bir uyum vardı
had a great time
had a heart attack
Kalp krizi geçirmiş
had been
vardı be
had better
yapılması gereken

yasal bir kuralı olmayan fakat must/have to kadar güçlü bir anlamı olan kalıptır.

had better
iyi olurdu

Oraya gitmeseydin iyi olurdu. - You had better not have gone there.

Polisi aramamız daha iyi olurdu. - We had better call the police.

had better
-se iyi olur

I had better go. - Gitsem iyi olur.

had better not
yapmasam iyi olur
had changed into
içine değişmişti
had difficulty
had done
had enough
had fun
had one's nose to the grindstone
(deyim) Çok çalışmak, çabalamak
had repercussions
yankı vardı
had sex
seks yaptık
had sooner
daha önce vardı
had treated
tedavi oldu
had trouble
sorun vardı
had turned to
had up
kadar vardı
have had a drop too much
çok fazla bir düşüş oldu
have had enough
having had the foreskin of the penis excised
penis eksize in sünnet derisi arasında gerek
had best do
yapmalı, yapsa daha iyi olur
have had a bellyful of
illallah demek
have had a bellyful of
have had a few
{k} (deyim) bir kaçtane atmak,çok içmiş olmak
have had a good innings
(deyim) cok yasamak ;bir makamda cok uzun sure kalmak
have had it
{k} (deyim) kullanilmaz durumda olamak,kiymeti kalmamak
have had it
{k} (deyim) firsati kacirmak,cok gec kalmak
have had it
artık yetmek: He's been cheating me for
have had it
bıkmak: I've had it; I am going to divorce my husband. Artık bıktım; kocamdan boşanacağım
have had it
{k} (deyim) daha fazla tahammul edememek
have had one's chips
alacağını almak
have had one's chips
bütün fırsatı kullanmış olmak
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of had} in Turkish Turkish dictionary

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Dühul etmek, girmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Çaylak kuşu.HAD' $ (Hıd') : Aldatmak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kurumak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Tevâzu etmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Baş aşağı eğmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kamçıdan çıkan ses
Sınır boyu
Sınır, uç
(Osmanlı Dönemi) sınır, dozaj
Derece. İnsan için yetki ve değer
English - English

Definition of had} in English English dictionary

had a clue
Simple past tense and past participle of have a clue
had a memory like a sieve
Simple past tense and past participle of have a memory like a sieve
had a mind like a sieve
Simple past tense and past participle of have a mind like a sieve
had another think coming
Simple past tense and past participle of have another think coming
had better
Should; ought to; need to

Will we get it finished? / We had better..

had had it
Simple past tense and past participle of have had it
had it
Misconstruction of have had it

I had it with your antics!.

had it
Simple past tense and past participle of have it

Conventional wisdom once had it that bloodletting cures many diseases.

had it going on
Simple past tense and past participle of have it going on
had it off
Simple past tense and past participle of have it off
had sex
Simple past tense and past participle of have sex
had to
Simple past tense and past participle of have to

I had to work, if well I was very tired.

had (used in conditional statements)

If I had've known, I would have told you.

has had it
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of have had it
have had it up to here
to have become very frustrated or angry; to have reached the limit of one's patience or forbearance

I have had it up to here with your nonsense!.

have had one's Weet-Bix today
To exhibit plenty of vitality or strength or other superior performance
have had one's chips
To be dead or finished

He must have had his chips, she thought, and our children will be born fatherless.

have had one's day
Alternative form of have seen one's day
having had it
Present participle of have had it
If you have been had, someone has tricked you, for example by selling you something at too high a price. If your customer thinks he's been had, you have to make him happy
If you say that you have had it, you mean that you are very tired of something or very annoyed about it, and do not want to continue doing it or it to continue happening. I've had it. Let's call it a day. Past tense and past participle of have. the past tense and past participle of have
Had is sometimes used instead of `if' to begin a clause which refers to a situation that might have happened but did not. For example, the clause `had he been elected' means the same as `if he had been elected'. Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly Had I known what the problem was, we could have addressed it
have had enough
exasperated, out of patience, sick and tired, fed up
nIII: hair; hairy
If you say that someone has had it, you mean they are in very serious trouble or have no hope of succeeding. Unless she loses some weight, she's had it
past of have
Health Assessment Document Source: US EPA
had The auxiliary verb is pronounced For the main verb, and for the meanings
(have, had, had)
to 5., the pronunciation is1. Had is the past tense and past participle of have
had a bad experience
experienced something which left unpleasant memories
had a bad reputation
thought of as a bad person, considered to be a dangerous person
had a bad time
had an unpleasant time, did not enjoy himself
had a chat
conversed briefly with, spoke together for a short period of time
had a child
bore a child, gave birth to a child
had a cold
came down with a cold, suffered from a cold (viral infection of the respiratory tract)
had a curettage
underwent an abortion early in a pregnancy
had a difficult birth
had a laborious delivery, had a problematic delivery
had a face as long as a fiddle
had a long face, looked very sorrowful
had a feast
had a banquet, celebrated, feasted, dined, ate well
had a feeling
perceived, had a hunch, his heart told him so
had a fever
came down with a fever, suffered from a fever (abnormally increased body temperature)
had a firsthand experience with
had a direct encounter with
had a fit
became hysterical, lost control
had a good time
had fun, was entertained
had a great success
succeeded greatly, was extremely successful
had a great time
had a lot of fun, was very entertained
had a hand in
played a part in, had a role in, took part in
had a hand in it
had something to do with it
had a hard time
suffered, endured, had a difficult time
had a headache
came down with a headache, suffered from a headache (sharp pain in the head)
had a heart attack
suffered from a heart attack (sudden coronary failure)
had a hitch
experienced a problem, suffered a mishap
had a hunch
had a feeling, his heart told him so
had a lucky day
had a day full of fortune, had a favorable day
had a miscarriage
miscarried, delivered a child prematurely (before it had developed enough to live)
had a narrow escape
barely got away, escaped by the skin of his teeth
had a personal experience with
had an individual encounter with
had a petition signed
collected signatures on a document containing a formal request
had a premonition
sensed what was to happen, was forewarned by some inner sense
had a relationship
associated with, had an affair with, dated, was close to, was friendly with, was intimate with
had a scrape
underwent an abortion early in the pregnancy
had a shock
had an unexpected and disturbing thing happen
had a stroke
suffered from a stroke (sudden physical attack)
had a stroke of luck
got lucky
had a toothache
experienced pain in a tooth
had a windfall
obtained something without effort, had an unexpected piece of good fortune, received an unexpected gain
had a word with
conducted a brief conversation with, exchanged a few words with
had a workout
had achievements
had accomplishments, had successes, had attainments
had an abortion
underwent an abortion, ended a pregnancy, caused the premature birth of a fetus (before it was able to survive on its own)
had an accident
experienced an accident
had an affair
was involved in a love affair
had an affair with
messed around with, was involved in a love affair with
had an argument
argued, debated
had an easy time
lived an easy life, didn't have to work hard to get what he wanted
had an eye on him
watched him very closely
had an idea
an idea came to him, an idea came to his head
had an illumination
had a sudden revelation, suddenly understood
had an impact
had an effect, made a difference, made an impression
had an itching palm
was greedy, wanted something (especially money)
had best
would have been best to, would have been better to
had better
would rather, would prefer
had big dreams
had great ambition, had great aspirations, aimed high
had crime
(Islam) serious crimes committed by Muslims and punishable by pre-established punishments found in the Koran; "Had crimes include apostasy from Islam and murder and theft and adultery
had doubts about
possessed hesitation with regards to, his heart was not full with regards to
had faith in him
trusted him
had fun
enjoyed himself, had a great time with/at
had great success
was very successful, had a very favorable result
had he not
if not for him, were it not that he
had high hopes for him
expected much from him, expected him to succeed
had his best interest at heart
wanted only the best for him
had his cake and ate it too
had his way, got everything he wanted
had his head in the clouds
was daydreaming, was not paying close attention
had his say on the matter
said what he had to say about the issue, said his peace, spoke his mind
had his share of suffering
he endured a great deal throughout his life
had his way
got what he wanted, obtained what he had requested
had in his possession
held in his possession, owned
had in mind
meant to, intended to
had intercourse with
made love with, participated in sexual intercourse with
had it both ways
had everything he wanted
had it not been for
if not for, were it not that
had labor pains
experienced the pains of childbirth, went into labor
had many enemies
was hated by many
had nightmares
had frightening dreams
had no answer
did not have a solution, had nothing to say, was left speechless
had no choice
was left with no other alternative
had no clue
had no idea, did not have an inkling, did not have a hint
had no complaints
made no negative criticism, had no objections, made no grievances
had no descendants
bore no children, had no children
had no doubt
possessed no uncertainties, was decided about
had no excuse
possessed no justification, was unjustified
had no hope of salvation
lost all hope
had no more strength
did not have any more power within him, could not muster any power
had no time
did not have enough time left
had no way of knowing
could not have been aware of, could not have known
had nothing to do
had nothing to occupy his time
had nothing to lose
was desperate, risked nothing by trying
had rather
would rather, prefers that, gives priority to
had repercussions
indirectly influenced, created reactions
had reservations
had objections, had qualms, had misgivings
had scruples
had pangs of conscience, had qualms
had sex
had sexual intercourse, made love
had sex with him
had sexual relations with him, had sexual intercourse with him
had some business to attend to
had some issues to deal with
had sooner
it would be preferable
had stool
had a bowel movement, defecated
had the benefit of the doubt
was given the benefit of the doubt, people were not sure what to make of him
had the best of both worlds
had his cake and ate it too, got everything he wanted
had the courage
possessed the pluck or nerve, had the guts
had the fire under control
managed to put out the fire, got the matter under control
had the guts
possessed the pluck or nerve, had the courage
had the shivers
began to shake (from cold, fright, shock, etc.)
had the situation under control
dealt with the situation well
had the time of his life
had a wonderful time
had to
was obliged to, was required to
has had it
ate it; has had enough of it, loathes it, cannot stand it any more, cannot take it any longer
be had
To be deceived

You've been had!.

be had
To be obtained

The substance you describe can't be had at any price.

if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle
It is fruitless to speculate about counterfactual situations

We would have won the match if we'd had a decent goalkeeper.And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle!.

if pigs had wings
if pigs had wings they would fly
Expresses speakers skepticism toward a hypothetical argument by another
you had to be there
Used to indicate to the interlocutor that the situation being talked about could only be properly understood if that person had been present

What he did was so hilarious, the way he was dancing... well, you had to be there.



    ... And the Republicans had a ' had a plan. They put a plan out. They put out a plan, ...
    ... had my name on it. ...