
listen to the pronunciation of h-cap
English - Turkish

Definition of h-cap in English Turkish dictionary


Tom şişe kapakları topluyor. - Tom collects bottle caps.

Tom tirbuşonunu bulamadığı için vida kapaklı bir şarap şişesi getirdiğine memnun oldu. - Tom was glad that he'd bought a bottle of wine with a screw cap, since he couldn't find his corkscrew.


Daha az grafikler ve daha fazla başlık açıklamayı daha net yapabilir. - Fewer graphics and more captions would make the description clearer.

Tom için bir başlık satın aldım ve Mary için bir çift eldiven satın alacağım. - I bought a cap for Tom and I'll buy a pair of gloves for Mary.


Çocuk kepini çıkardı. - The boy took off his cap.

Dışarı çıkmak için kepimi giydim. - I put on my cap to go out.

{i} şapka

Tom şapkasını kaybetti, ve yeni bir tane almak zorunda olduğunu hissetti. - Tom lost his cap, and he felt that he had to buy a new one.

Bu şapka Tom'a aittir. - This cap belongs to Tom.


Pekin, Çin'in başkentidir. - Beijing is the capital of China.

Washington, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin başkentidir. - Washington is the capital of the United States.

(Askeri) Sivil Hava Devriyesi; sivil kadro artırımı programı; muharebe hava Devriyesi; konfigürasyon ve alarm paneli; Konsolide işler süreci (Birleşmiş Milletler); kriz müdahele planlaması (Civil Air Patrol; civil augmentation program; combat air Patrol; configuration and alarm panel; Consolidated Appeals Process (UN); crisis action planning)
centre cap
Jant kapağı
blasting cap
dinamit tapası
ice cap
buz tabakası
ice cap
buz örtüsü
bearing cap
bearing cap
yatak başlığı
blind cap
kör başlık
blind cap
blind cap
kör tapa
başlık,v.daha iyisini yap: n.kep
cap in hand
cover cap
kapatma başlığı
cover cap
kapatma kapağı
custom drop cap
(Bilgisayar) özel büyük harf
drop cap
büyük harf
dust cap
toz kapağı
feather in one's cap
(deyim) iftihar edilecek başarı
filler cap
doldurma kapağı
flat cap
grid cap
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ızgara başlığı
hub cap
poyra kapağı
ice cap
(Askeri) iç buzul
ice cap
(Askeri) kıta buzulu
jeff cap
outer cap
(Tıp) dış kapak
percussion cap
(Askeri,Avcılık) kapsül
percussion cap
(Madencilik) kapsüllü lokum
pile cap
(İnşaat,Teknik) kazık başlığı
pin cap
(Aydınlatma) iğneli dip
pressure cap
basınç başlığı
pressure cap
(Otomotiv) basınç kepi
pressure cap
(Otomotiv) basınç kapağı
price cap
(Ticaret) tavan fiyat
rubber cap
(Otomotiv) lastik kapak
rubber cap
lastik kep
screw cap
(Aydınlatma) vidalı dip
service cap
(Askeri) günlük şapka
shell cap
(Aydınlatma) silindirsel dip
sleeve cap
(Tekstil) üst kol
valve cap
(Otomotiv) supap kapağı
valve cap
wheel cap
tekerlek kapağı
axle cap
dingil kapağı
baseball cap
beysbol kasketi
bathing cap
battery fitting cap
akümülatör kapağı
battery terminal cap
batarya bağlantı ucu
bayonet cap
süngü ucu
bearing cap
yatak kapağı
bottle cap
şişe kapağı
cable terminal cap
kablo başlığı

Şanslı mavi kasketim nerede? - Where's my lucky blue cap?

{f} daha iyisini yap
(önceki bir şeyi) geliştirmek
cap in hand
cap in hand
süklüm püklüm
cap it all
üstüne üstlük
cap nut
başlık somunu
cap screw
başlık vidası
cap stone
taş başlık
cap stone
chimney cap
baca şapkası
chimney cap
baca külahı
column cap
sütun başlığı
crankshaft bearing cap
krank mili yatak başlığı
distributor cap
distribütör başlığı
distributor cap
distribütör kapağı
distributor cap retaining clip
distribütör mandalı
driver's cap
haydavcı mahalli
driver's cap
sürücü yeri
feather in one's cap
övünülecek bir başarı
filler cap
radyatör kapağı
gasoline tank cap
benzin deposu kapağı
inlet valve cap
emme subap kapağı
instantaneous blasting cap
ani patlamalı kapsül
jockey cap
lens cap
mercek kapağı
percussion cap
tüfek kapsülü
put on one's thinking cap
kafa yormak
service cap
subay kasketi
set one's cap at
abayı yakmak
ski cap
kayak başlığı
small cap
küçük büyük harf
throw one's cap over the windmill
hayal kurmak
watch cap
saat koruyucusu
yachting cap
yatçı şapkası
Dutch cap
(doğum kontrol) Diyafram
Turk's cap lily
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Türk zambağı
a cap
Bir kap
a feather in one´s cap
k. dili koltukları kabartan başarı
a feather in your cap
(deyim) Gurur kaynağı, gurur duyulacak şey
blasting cap
İnfilak kapsülü
bubble cap
kabarcık fincanı
(Havacılık) Hava devriyesi (Combat Air Patrol)
cap ex
kap ex
cap iron
kap demir
cap off
kapak kapalı
cap ply
kap kat
cap screw
(Mühendislik) cıvata
cap screw
(Mühendislik) cıvata başlı vida; altı köşe başlı somunsuz vida, kapak vidası, başlık vidası
cap seal
Kapak contası
cap sleeve
kap kol
cap, gown and tassel package
kep, cüppe ve püskülden oluşan set
cradle cap
Bebeklerin başında oluşan konak
death cap
ölüm kap
driver's cap
şoför mahalli, sürücü yeri
have on/wear a barley cap
/ A arpa kasket giymek üzerindeki
if the cap fits wear it
(deyim) Yarası olan gocunur.sana uyuyorsa al anlamında bir deyim
jimmy cap
Kondom, prezervatif
knee cap
(Anatomi) Diz kapağı
mad cap
mad kap
night cap
gece kap
peel a cap
(deyim) Birisini silahla kafasından vurmak

I'm gonna peel a nigga cap.

plastic cap
plastik kap
polar ice cap
buzul takkesinin
pop cap
Gazoz kapağı
red cap
kırmızı kap
scottish cap
scottish kap
ski cap
kayak kap
skull cap
kafatası kap
swim cap
Bone, yüzme başlığı
swimming cap
yüzme kap
to cap it all
Bu da yetmiyormuş gibi, bu da yetmezmiş gibi
to cap it all
(deyim) (or "to crown it all" or "to top it all") İf you have been describing bad things which happened and then say that to cap it all something else happened, you mean that the final thing was even worse

He spilled red wine on the carpet, insulted my mother, and, to cap it all, he broke my favourite vase.

top cap
üst kapak
wage cap
ücret kap
English - English

Definition of h-cap in English English dictionary

5' cap
A specially altered nucleotide end to the 5' end of precursor messenger RNA and some other primary RNA transcripts as found in eukaryotes and caliciviruses, vital to creating mature messenger RNA which is then able to undergo translation
Breton cap
a peaked boatsman's cap
Change Acceleration Process
Common Agricultural Policy
Colleague Assistance Program
combat air patrol
catabolite activator protein
Civil Air Patrol
Colors and Placements
A city on the north coast of Haiti
Davey Crockett cap
Alternative form of Davy Crockett hat
Davy Crockett cap
Alternative form of Davy Crockett hat
Dutch cap
A type of woman's cap with triangular turn back at each side. The style is particularly associated with Dutch traditional costume
Dutch cap
An intra-vaginal contraceptive device, also known as a cervical cap or diaphragm
Liberty Cap
an unusual hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
Liberty Cap
a prominent peak on Mount Rainier
Liberty Cap
a celebrated granite dome in Yosemite National Park
baseball cap
A cap with a rounded crown and a curved, stiffened bill at the front
bathing cap
a silicone, latex or lycra cap worn on the head by recreational and competitive swimmers
bottle cap
Any of several designs of closure used to seal bottles
bouffant cap
A loose cap, so called because of its puffy shape, typically secured around the head with an elastic, and frequently used in cleanrooms, food service, and other settings to contain loose hair
bump cap
A hard hat
bust a cap
To fire a weapon; to shoot with a gatt
bust a cap in someone's ass
Alternative form of pop a cap in someone's ass
An academic mortarboard
A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives

He wired the cap to the bundle of dynamite, then detonated it remotely.

To award a cap as a mark of distinction etc
To convert text to uppercase
An upper limit on the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) or a floating-rate note (FRN) or an OTC, European, call option (derivative contract) with an interest rate as basis; It's used to defend from excessive interest rate increases. Opposite of a floor
To cover or seal with a cap
The cap worn by players as protection from the sun; the cap awarded to a player when first selected to play for a side
To set an upper limit on something
The top part of a mushroom
To lie over or on top of something
A special head covering to indicate rank, occupation etc
A small amount of gunpowder in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun

Billy spent all morning firing caps with his friends, re-enacting storming the beach at Normandy.

To select a player to play for a specified side
A bullet used to shoot someone

Did he think they were going to put a cap in his ass right in the middle of Metreon?.

An artificial upper limit or ceiling
An international appearance

Rio Ferdinand won his 50th cap for England in a game against Sweden.

A close-fitting head covering either without a brim or with a peak
To surpass or outdo
An uppercase letter
A crown for covering a tooth
To shoot someone

If he don't get outta my hood, I'm gonna cap his ass.

A protective cover or seal
The summit of a mountain etc
cap and ball
Of an early loading system for handguns where the percussion cap, powder, and bullet were separate components loaded individually into the gun. Typically used in early to mid 1800s
cap and trade
A market-based approach to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in emissions, participating companies being assigned an emissions quota that can be traded with others if not used
cap cloud
an accessory cloud in the form of a cap which occurs above, or attached to, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and sometimes stratocumulus clouds. Also occurring as a standing cloud above a geographical feature such as a mountain
cap clouds
plural form of cap cloud
cap flashing
usually composed of metal, used to cover or shield the upper edges of the membrane base flashing; wall flashing can also be used to cover the top of various building components, such as parapets or columns
cap in hand
In a humble and respectful manner

No longer were we required to go cap in hand to the banks if we wanted money, they were coming to us.

cap it all off
To surpass or outdo something
cap it all off
To finish or complete something
cap nut
A closed nut having a dome-like cap over the back, protruding part of the engaged screw or bolt
cap off
To finish
cap off
To glue a relatively uncomplicated compact manifold to a manifold of the same dimension along (a component of the latter's boundary)

Cap off, with discs just above the annulus, any circuits that bound in the annulus; then use annuli to cap off adjacent pairs of curves that encircle the annulus in opposite directions.

cap over the windmill
in a crazed manner
cap screw
A screw that is threaded along the entire length of the shaft and has a cap which is intended to rest against the side of the outermost material being screwed together when the screw has been screwed in to its maximum extent
cap screws
plural form of cap screw
cap sheet
A sheet, often granule-surfaced, used as the top ply of some roof membranes and/or flashings
Contraction of captain used as a title

Aye aye, cap'n!.

plural form of cap'n
From head to toe
A toy gun for children with bullets in paper caps
cervical cap
a small, latex or silicone, contraceptive device that fits over the cervix and stays in place either by suction, like Prentif or by surface viscosity, like Oves
china cap
a conical metal strainer
coon-skin cap
Alternative spelling of coonskin cap
coonskin cap
Headwear made of a pelt of a raccoon with the tail hanging in back, often associated with the iconic imagery of such American frontiersmen as Davy Crockett

You only got ten.

A Möbius band
death cap
A common name for the deadly poisonous mushroom of the genus Amanita
deerslayer cap
Alternative form of deerstalker hat
deerstalker cap
Alternative form of deerstalker hat
drop cap
A large initial letter that drops below the first line of a paragraph, usually used at the beginning of a section or chapter of a book
dunce cap
A conical hat one is forced to wear to indicate he is a dunce
dunce cap
The topological space obtained by identifying the sides comprising the boundary of a triangle, two sides with consistent orientation and the third with the reverse orientation
end cap
Any of various capping devices that fit over the end of something, either as protection or to prevent loss of contents

A piece of packaging insulation that surrounds one side of an object.

end cap
A display of goods for sale situated at an end of an aisle in a shop, perpendicular to the goods in the aisle
feather in one's cap
An accomplishment; particularly one that is flaunted or boasted of

He thinks it is quite a feather in his cap that he figured it out for himself.

fitted cap
A cap that is not elasticated or adjustable at the back
flat cap
A man's cap made from wool, tweed, or other soft material. It has a small peak and fits snugly tight to the wearer's head. Popular with outdoor country sportsmen, farmers, and workers, particularly in the north of England
fool's cap
A cap, usually brightly coloured with bells and tassels, as worn by a court jester or fool
forage cap
A generic term for various military caps intended for field use
ice cap
a large domelike glacial mass usually at high elevation
if the cap fits
if the shoe fits
knee cap
A metal cover trim that fits over a panel rib after it has been cut and bent
knee cap
Alternative spelling of kneecap
knit cap
A soft, head-hugging cap usually without a specified front or back, barring those with designs or logos
large cap
A company having a large market capitalization
level cap
The maximum attainable level of the player character, often in role-playing video games. Level caps may be raised in subsequent playthroughs or expansion packs
liberty cap
a brimless felt cap, such as the Phrygian cap or pileus, emblematic of a slave's manumission in the Ancient World
liberty cap
a magic mushroom, Psilocybe semilanceata
A mushroom of the genus Lactarius
mob cap
A plain cap or headdress for women or girls, especially one tied under the chin by a very broad band

She was dressed entirely in flowing black cerements and wore a little lacy mob-cap on a mass of dead-looking yellowish white hair; her features were still beautiful, but her face was completely covered with mauve face-powder.

muffin cap
A low, loose cap resembling a beret, but with a brim that goes all the way around the head; popularized in the 19th century as a hat for children, especially in the lower classes
muffin cap
A style of close-fitting cap or hat worn by women in the 16th century and later; a caul
panther cap
A common name for the highly poisonous agaric Amanita pantherina
polar cap
A high-latitude region of a celestial body that is covered by ice

The southern polar cap of Mars consists of both carbon dioxide and water ice.

pop a cap in someone's ass
To shoot someone with a gun

I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you heard it, that meant your ass. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was some cold-blooded shit to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice.

red cap
A kind of evil brownie or imp

After boggarts, they studied Red Caps, nasty little goblinlike creatures that lurked where there had been bloodshed.

red cap
A breed of poultry

Red Cap: A rare member of the English class, these are characterized by having a large rose comb. They are one of the few breeds with red earlobes that lay white-shelled eggs. Content: Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

salary cap
A limit on the salaries paid to the employees of an organization imposed by government or some other body
screw cap
The cap of a bottle or jar which screws onto the threaded lip of the container
set one's cap at
to choose the man as a potential husband (of a girl). Or, more generally, to choose something as a goal

How he has escaped marriage until now I cannot tell: the number of caps set in his direction would furnish a warehouse. — Patrick O'Brian, HMS Surprise.

shower cap
A waterproof headgear designed for use in the shower, to avoid wetting the hair
spherical cap
A portion of the surface of a sphere cut off by a plane
stocking cap
A knitted woolen cap, often with a tassel
swim cap
a silicone, latex or lycra cap worn on the head by recreational and competitive swimmers
thinking cap
A metaphor for a piece of headgear worn while one is thinking about how to solve a problem

This project looks like it will be a real challenge - put your thinking cap on!.

throw one's cap over the windmill
to act in a crazed manner
ugly milk-cap
An edible mushroom (Lactarius necator)
watch cap
A knitted cap, such as the one worn by a seaman when on watch
Alternative spelling of watch cap
waxy cap
Any agaric of the family Hygrophoraceae
white cap
a small wave that breaks offshore due to the wind
ice cap
The ice caps are the thick layers of ice and snow that cover the North and South Poles. an area of thick ice that permanently covers the North and South Poles
A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope
{n} a covering for the head, top, a thick block
{v} to cover the top or head, puzzle
{a} from head to foot, all over, wholly
Dutch cap
A Dutch cap or Dutch bonnet is a style of woman's hat associated with the various traditional Dutch woman's costumes. Usually made of white cotton or lace, it is sometimes characterized by triangular flaps or wings that turn up on either side
Turk's cap lily
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Lilium martagon (Martagon or Turk's cap lily) is a species of lily. It has a widespread native region extending from central Europe east through northern Asia to Mongolia and Korea. Several subspecies have been named. The plant is stem-rooting, growing between 1 m and 2 m tall. The flower colour is typically a pink-purple, with dark spots, but is quite variable, extending from near white to near black. The flowers are scented. Numerous flowers are borne on each plant, and up to 50 can be found on vigorous plants
a feather in you cap
(deyim) Something you have done that you should be proud of
bandwidth cap
(Bilgisayar) A bandwidth cap, also known as a bit cap, limits the transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time. Internet service providers commonly apply a cap when a channel intended to be shared by many users becomes overloaded, or may be overloaded, by a few users
bit cap
(Bilgisayar) A bandwidth cap, also known as a bit cap, limits the transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time. Internet service providers commonly apply a cap when a channel intended to be shared by many users becomes overloaded, or may be overloaded, by a few users
cap sealing
Induction sealing, otherwise known as cap sealing, is a non-contact method of heating a metallic disk to hermetically seal the top of plastic and glass containers. This sealing process takes place after the container has been filled and capped
cap sleeve
A very short sleeve (as on a dress) that hangs over the edge of the shoulder without extending along the underside of the arm
peel a cap
(deyim) Fire a gun, especially to shoot someone in the head
salary cap
In professional sports, a salary cap (often called a wage cap in the United Kingdom) is a limit on the amount of money a team can spend on player salaries, either as a per-player limit or a total limit for the team's roster (or both). Several sports leagues have made salary caps mandatory, both as a method of keeping overall costs down, and in order to balance the league so a wealthy team cannot become dominant simply by buying all the top players. Salary caps are often the major issue in negotiations between management and players' unions
salary cap
(Pazarlama) a maximum limit on salaries
salary cap
(Pazarlama) (Sports) an upper limit to the combined salary of an entire team
stocking cap
A close-fitting woolen cap; often has a tapering tail with a tassel; (synonym) ski cap, toboggan cap
wage cap
(Spor) In professional sports, a salary cap (often called a wage cap in the United Kingdom) is a limit on the amount of money a team can spend on player salaries, either as a per-player limit or a total limit for the team's roster (or both). Several sports leagues have made salary caps mandatory, both as a method of keeping overall costs down, and in order to balance the league so a wealthy team cannot become dominant simply by buying all the top players. Salary caps are often the major issue in negotiations between management and players' unions



    ... the opportunity to cap the monthly student loan payments ...
    ... cap isn't she is one of the best places in the world ...