
listen to the pronunciation of groupware
English - Turkish
aynı bilgiler üzerinde çalışan, aynı binada, odada veya ağ üzerinde çalışan bir grup insan için tasarlanan programlar
English - English
software designed to be used collaboratively by multiple users on a network
{i} type of software that allows group work and cooperation between users links to a local area network (such as setting appointments, sharing phone services, electronic mail, databases, etc.)
Application for allowing a workgroup to share information, with updates by each user being made available to others, either by automated replication or concurrent sharing
Software which supports collaborative work It may include conferencing, shared files, or facilities to allow several people to work in one document
software that can be used by a group of people who are working on the same information but may be distributed in space
Programs that help people work together collectively while located remotely from each other Groupware services can include the sharing of calendars, collective writing, e-mail handling, shared database access, electronic meetings with each person able to see and display information to others, and other activities
Software that facilitates communication, coordination and collaboration among people Examples include Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange
A type of software that supports concurrent use of objects (such as documents, calendars and spreadsheets) by multiple LAN users
Groupware refers to programs that help people work together collectively while located remotely from each other
a term coined by marketers around 1995 to mean "software that facilitates group work," never emerged as a well-defined software category Today the term is used less and tends to be narrowly identified with three products: Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise Groupware functionality is roughly synonymous with collaborative computing and embraces the following
Software that enables people connected to a network to share documents, messages, and plan group tasks at the same time Lotus Notes is a popular groupware package
Software applications that facilitate shared work on documents and information
Computing A genre label for the many types of computer software that are designed to enable group rather than individual computer usage Most groupware systems allow for common data access by many individuals and/or provide a means of communicating via computer
Software and systems that allow a distributed group of people to work on common activities, and include functions such as group calendars, real- time network meetings, common database access and others
Software intended to enable a group of users on a network to collaborate on a particular project
Any technology that allows people to collaborate electronically, including email, real-time networking and conference tools based on telephony, video or the Web Workflow automation, enterprise resource planning and even telemedicine systems are all groupware at the root
A computer application that assists communication and shared working amongst groups of individuals with access to a common computer network, but who may be geographically or temporally separated See also: CSCW
Software that enables people to work together more effectively
Software to support and enhance the communication, coordination, and collaboration among networked teams and workgroups, including software tools for electronic communications, electronic conferencing, and cooperative work management
This term refers to software applications that facilitate shared work on documents and information
Software that enables a group of users to collaborate on a project by means of network communications
Software for people working together on a project Groupware makes it possible for several people to work on the same file at once, via a network It also helps with scheduling meetings and other kinds of group planning Lotus Notes is a popular groupware package
is software that provides collaboration and communication over the Web, or across an organisations network
are computer-based systems that support groups of people engaged in a common task (or goal) and that provide an interface to a shared environment See CSCW
Groupware is a term for applications written to support the collaboration of several users
Software that enables members of a network workgroup to communicate and collaborate through e-mail, scheduling, bulletin boards, conferencing, project management, file sharing, and other means
Network software that enables two or more users to work collaboratively
Software designed to facilitate group efforts such as communication, workflow coordination, and collaborative problem solving The term generally refers to technologies relying on modern computer networks (external or internal)

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈgro͞opˌwer/ /ˈɡruːpˌwɛr/


    () group + -ware