group of languages spoken in southeast asia

listen to the pronunciation of group of languages spoken in southeast asia
English - English
{i} Tai
group of languages spoken in southeast asia


    group of languages spo·ken in South·east A·sia

    Turkish pronunciation

    grup ıv länggwıcız spōkın în sauthist eyjı


    /ˈgro͞op əv ˈlaɴɢgwəʤəz ˈspōkən ən ˌsouᴛʜˈēst ˈāᴢʜə/ /ˈɡruːp əv ˈlæŋɡwəʤəz ˈspoʊkən ɪn ˌsaʊθˈiːst ˈeɪʒə/