
listen to the pronunciation of ground}
English - Turkish

Definition of ground} in English Turkish dictionary


Bu tür ayakkabı ıslak zeminde kayma eğilimindedir. - This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground.

Saklanan zemin köpek balıklarından biri onu uyluğun üst kısmından hızla yakalamadan önce o birkaç yardadan daha fazla yüzmemişti. - He had not swum more than a few yards before one of the skulking ground sharks had him fast by the upper part of the thigh.


Burada yabancı bir topraktayız. - We're on unfamiliar ground here.

Elektrik ekipmanları topraklı mı? - Is the electrical equipment grounded?

ground meat

Asker yerde yaralı yatıyordu. - The soldier lay injured on the ground.

Bir depremde, yer yukarı ve aşağı ya da geriye ve ileriye sallanabilir. - In an earthquake, the ground can shake up and down, or back and forth.

{i} kara

Hükümet ahlaksızlık gerekçesiyle kitabı yasaklamaya kararı verdi. - The government decided to ban the book on grounds of indecency.

Salatanda taze çekilmiş karabiber istiyor musun? - Do you want fresh ground pepper on your salad?

{i} sebep

Halkın korkuları sebepsiz değildir. - The people's fears aren't groundless.

Şimdiye kadar, eyleminiz tamamen sebepsiz görünmektedir. - So far, your action seems completely groundless.

{i} dayanak

Ona inanmak için onun iyi dayanakları var. - He has good grounds for believing that.

{i} neden

Zina bir boşanma nedeniydi. - Adultery was a ground for divorce.

Mars, zemindeki paslı demir nedeniyle kırmızıdır. - Mars is red because of rusty iron in the ground.

{s} öğütülmüş

Bir çay kaşığı öğütülmüş tarçın yaklaşık iki gramdır. - A teaspoon of ground cinnamon is about two grams.

karaya oturmak
ground clamp
Kablo kelepçesi
ground transportation
Kara taşımacılığı
{f} (uçak) (hava koşullarından dolayı) uçamamak; (uçağı) uçurtmamak
kalkışına olanak tanımamak
{i} saha

O, spor sahasını geçti. - He crossed the sports ground.

(Otomotiv) şasiye bağlanan batarya ucu
toprak bağlantısı
yer (yerin yüzü)
(gemi) karaya oturmak
uçurtmamak (uçağı)
{i} temel

İtfaiye aracı gelmeden önce ev temele kadar yandı. - The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived.

Enerjini harcıyorsun. Şikayetin temelsiz. - You're wasting your energy. Your complaint is groundless.

(uçak) inmek
(Kanun) gerekçe

O, hasta olduğu gerekçesiyle istifa etti. - He resigned on the grounds that he was ill.

O kötü sağlık gerekçesiyle istifa etti. - He resigned on the grounds of ill health.

(Elektrik, Elektronik) topraklamak (cihazı)
(gemiyi) karaya oturtmak
dayatmak (bir sebebe)
ground arch
(Jeoloji) arazi kemeri
ground bait
oltasız yem
ground bait
balıkları çekmek için suya atılan yem
ground bus
topraklama laması
ground coat
ground coat
astar boyası
ground crew
yer mürettebatı
ground crew
(Askeri,Teknik) yer personeli
ground equipment
(Havacılık) yer teçhizatı
ground fir
çam ağacı
ground floor
alt kat

Restoran en alt kattadır. - The restaurant is on the ground floor.

ground floor
ground floor plan
(İnşaat) zemin kat planı
ground gear
ground hub
(Otomotiv) şasi göbeği
ground lamb
(Gıda) kuzu kıyması
ground lot
kentsel toprak
ground motion
(Çevre) yer hareketi
ground net
(Denizbilim) taban ağı
ground norm
(Kanun) temel norm
ground on
ground plot
ground plot
yapı arazisi
ground rod
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) topraklama çubuğu
ground sill
ground tax
(Ticaret) arsa vergisi
ground wall
(İnşaat) temel duvarı
ground war
kara harekatı
ground war
kara savaşı
ground wire
(Elektrik, Elektronik) topraklama teli
ground work
(İnşaat) zemin işleri
ground work
(İnşaat) temel işleri
karaya oturtmak
toprak hattı bağlamak
(uçak/vb.) yerde kalmaya zorlamak
ground antenna
toprak anteni
ground attack
kara saldırısı
ground ball
yerden giden top
ground based
yerde konuşlandırılmış
ground bass
bas melodi
ground beetle
toprak böceği
ground cable
toprak kablosu
ground cedar
sedir ağacı
ground colour
zemin rengi
ground connection
toprak bağlantısı
ground cover
toprak örtüsü
ground cover
toprak florası
ground crew
havaalanı personeli
ground crew
yer hizmetlileri
ground effect
yer etkisi
ground fire
yer yangını
ground fire
örtü yangını
ground floor
zemin katı
ground floor
zemin kat

Dördüncü katta sıcak su yok ama zemin katta var. - There's no hot water on the fourth floor, but there is on the ground floor.

Ben zemin katta yaşıyorum. - I live on the ground floor.

ground glass
buzlu cam
ground hog day
ground ivy
yer sarmaşığı
ground ivy
ground level
zemin seviyesi
ground level
toprak seviyesi
ground level
zemin hizası
ground line
ön çizgi
ground operation
yer operasyonu
ground photograph
yer fotoğrafı
ground pine
ground pine
kurt ayağı
ground plan
zemin planı
ground plan
ground plan
zemin katı josparı
ground plan
temel josparı
ground refuelling
dolum işlemi
ground rent
bir binanın arsa kirası
ground rent
arsa kirası
ground rice
pirinç unu
ground rule
temel kural

Başlamadan önce birkaç temel kural koymalıyız. - We should lay down a few ground rules before we begin.

Bazı temel kurallar belirleyelim. - Let's establish some ground rules.

ground rules
temel kural

Bazı temel kurallar belirleyelim. - Let's establish some ground rules.

Başlamadan önce birkaç temel kural koymalıyız. - We should lay down a few ground rules before we begin.

ground skidder
tomruk kızağı
ground snake
küçük yılan
ground speed
yer hızı
ground state
taban hali
ground state
temel durum
ground station
yer istasyonu
ground swell
ground swell
dip dalgası
ground tackle
gemi demirleme malzemesi
ground target
yer hedefi
ground testing
yer testi
ground water
yeraltı suyu
ground wave
yer dalgası
ground wire
toprak teli
ground zero
bombanın patladığı yer
ground-breaking ceremony
temel atma töreni
grazing ground
otlak, mera
ground anchor
zemin çapa
ground arguments on
zemin argümanlar üzerinde
ground cherries
yer kiraz
ground cherry
yer kiraz
ground direction finding station
yer yön tayin istasyonu
ground down
zemin aşağı
ground fault interrupter
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Kaçak akım rölesi
ground fish
zemin balık
ground floor
giriş kat
ground ginger
toz tarçın
ground hog day
2 şubat
ground incursion
(Askeri) kara harekâtı
ground is frozen all over
zemin üzerinde tüm döndü
ground meat
kıyılmış et
ground meristem
zemin meristem
ground moraine
dip moreni, dip buzultasi
ground noise
zemin gürültüsü, uğultu
ground offensive
(Askeri) kara harekâtı

Many civilians have now been killed since the ground offensive began.

ground pearl
kök zararlısı
ground pressure
Zemin basıncı
ground rule double
zemin kural çift
ground skidding
tomruk sürütme
ground squirrel
tarla sincabı
ground stroke
zemin inme
ground swell
ground terminal
toprak terminali, ucu
ground to
ground up
her yönüyle
ground waves
zemin dalgaları
ground wheat
(Gıda) Yarma, kaynatılmış ve kurutulmuş buğdayın dibeklerde dövülerek kabuğunun ayırt edilmesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan ürün. Anadolu'da keşkek yapımında kullanılır. Kışlık yiyecektir
zemin kat
yer fıstığı
common ground station; continental United States ground station
(Askeri) ortak yer istasyonu; Kıta Amerikası yer istasyonu
joint tactical ground station (Army); joint tactical ground station (Army and Na
(Askeri) müşterek taktik yer istasyonu (Kara Kuvvetleri); müşterek taktik yer istasyonu (Kara Kuvvetleri ve Deniz Kuvvetleri); müşterek taktik yer sistemi
maximum (aircraft) on ground; movement on ground (aircraft); multinational obser
(Askeri) karadaki azami hava aracı; karada intikal (hava aracı); çok uluslu gözlemci grubu
English - English

Definition of ground} in English English dictionary

Ground Zero
The site of the former World Trade Center towers in New York City destroyed on 11 September 2001
Simple past tense and past participle of grind

I ground the coffee up nicely.

Background, context, framework, surroundings
A level of electrical potential used as a zero reference
Basis, foundation, groundwork, legwork
The surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground
An electrical conductor connected to the ground
to hit a ground ball; to hit a ground ball which results in an out. Compare fly (verb(regular)) and line (verb)

Jones grounded to second in his last at-bat.

The area of grass on which a match is played (a cricket field); the entire arena in which it is played; that part of the field behind a batsman's popping crease where he can not be run out (hence to make one's ground)

When the flight crew has their aircraft under control, everything is working normally and yet it still crashes into the ground, that's a Controlled Flight Into Terrain. - When the flight crew has their aircraft under control, everything is working normally and yet it still crashes into the ground, that's CFIT.

Soil, earth

The worm crawls through the ground.

To connect (an electrical conductor or device) to a ground
Crushed, or reduced to small particles

ground mustard seed.

To gain a basic education (of a particular subject)

Jim was grounded in maths.

Processed by grinding

lenses of ground glass.

To require a disobedient child to remain at home or refrain from other privileges such as uses of the Internet, phone, TV, or music, usually as a punishment

The teenager's father decided to ground him for two weeks after he broke curfew again.

A soccer stadium

Manchester United's ground is known as Old Trafford.

to place his bat, or part of his body, on the ground behind the popping crease so as not to be run out
The bottom of a body of water
To forbid (an aircraft or pilot) to fly

Because of the bad weather, all flights were grounded.

ground ball
When a player scoops up or fights for a ball that is on the ground
ground ball
A batted ball that bounces one or more times on the infield; a grounder
ground bar
A thick copper bar required in telecom room installations to provide a central ground-point for equipment
ground beef
Chopped fresh or frozen beef without the addition of beef fat as seasoning, with no more than 30 percent fat, and with no added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders
ground beef
Beef that has been ground; minced beef
ground beefs
plural form of ground beef
ground clearance
The shortest distance between a level surface, and any part (other than tires or equivalent) of the underside of a vehicle standing on that surface
ground clearances
plural form of ground clearance
ground cover
Something, particularly plants, which overlays an area of land. May refer to plants specifically grown to prevent erosion of an area
ground effect
A generic term describing any aerodynamic effects occurring due to a vehicle's body or appendages moving in close proximity to the ground
ground failure
An effect of seismic activity, such as an earthquake, where the ground becomes very soft, due to the shaking, and acts like a liquid, causing landslides, spreading, and settling
ground floor
The initial stage of a project
ground floor
The floor of a building closest to ground level; first floor
ground forces
all military units operating on the ground, including tanks, soldiers, artillery e.t.c
ground game
Hand-to-hand combat in which both fighters are on the ground, or skill in such combat
ground game
Rabbits and hares
ground game
Running with the ball, rather than passing
ground game
Putting; hitting the ball along the ground
ground game
Local political organization
ground games
plural form of ground game
ground glass
Glass having a rough, flat surface produced by abrasion or etching
ground glass joint
Any of several standard sized joints, made from ground glass, used to connect laboratory glassware without leaks
ground laurel
A low, spreading shrub found throughout the southeastern United States
ground mobile force
A communications unit and their equipment; most often in reference to satellite communications
ground mobile forces
plural form of ground mobile force
ground offensive
A military action launched by land, using ground troops
ground out
To become out by hitting a ground ball which is fielded and leads to a force or tag of a runner

Jones grounded out to lead off the third.

ground out
An instance of grounding out

A ground out was recorded on the scorecard.

ground out
To provide proper grounding for a circuit
ground pangolins
plural form of ground pangolin
ground pounder
A military soldier whose primary role is infantry or the use of ground-based materiel
ground proximity warning system
A device which warns the pilot that the aircraft may be in danger of collision with the ground
ground proximity warning systems
plural form of ground proximity warning system
ground rent
Rent paid for the land, usually for a long-term lease or in perpetuity, where the land-owner and the owner of improvements are different; the improvements are effectively security for the payment of the rent
ground rules
The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding

Make sure everybody knows the ground rules for the trip before they leave.

ground shark
Any member of the order Carcharhiniformes, the largest order of sharks with over 270 species
ground shark
A Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
ground sharks
plural form of ground shark
ground spider
any of very many spiders, of the family Gnaphosidae, that hunt their prey instead of building a web to catch them
ground state
the stationary state of lowest energy of a particle or system of particles
ground swell
waves generated by winds a long way away, possibly arriving at shore without local winds

2005: Year-round the powerful ground swells generated in the notorious Roaring Forties 1000 kilometres to the south of Cape Leeuwin march north-east and meet with the reefs and beaches of the region. —

ground swells
plural form of ground swell
ground tackle
equipment, such as anchors, cables, or windlasses, for mooring a vessel away from a pier or other fixed moorings
ground water
Water that exists beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers
ground zero
The location of any disaster
ground zero
The point on the land or water surface below, above, or at which an atomic or nuclear bomb detonates
innovative, different than other things of its type

Ground-breaking technology.

Situated on the ground floor
Glechoma hederacea, an aromatic, perennial, evergreen creeper of the mint family Lamiaceae
fired from the ground at an aircraft in flight, or at an incoming missile
a pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk
ground beef
beef that has been cut up into very small pieces, often used to make hamburgers British Equivalent: mince
{n} the upper part of the earth, foundation, soil, country, floor, cause
{v} to lay on the gound, to instruct
ground state
The lowest energy state of an atom or other particle
ground to ground missile
missile fired from the ground at a target that is also on the ground
coming from the ground and returning to the ground, fired from the ground at a target that is also on the ground
ground-to-ground missile threat
{i} threat of being attacked by ground-to-ground-missiles


    ... As the quest for coal takes miners ever deeper into the ground, ...
    ... ground that you possibly can imagine. ...