
listen to the pronunciation of goo
English - Turkish
argo yapışkan madde

Çamurda yuvarlanmak domuzlarda iyi bir yaşamın için önemli bir unsurudur. - Wallowing is an important element of a good life in pigs.

yapışkan madde

Tom sümüklü yapışkan maddeyle kaplı. - Tom is covered in slimy goo.

içten duygular/uhu
{i} aşırı duygusal sözler
gray goo
grey goo
English - English
An example of baby talk

The infant's goos and gahs were endearing.

Excessive, showy sentimentality

When dad couldn't stand the goo anymore, he stopped Tommy's tearful goodbye from the Swedish au-pair Matts, firmly smacking the boys' pants and grumbling Now stop the goo or I'll give each of you a reason to cry!.

Any semi-solid or liquid substance; especially one that is sticky, gummy or slippery; frequently of vague or unknown composition, or a bodily fluid

I stepped in some goo and had a terrible time getting the sticky stuff off my shoes.

To produce baby talk

The baby gooed while daddy made sappy faces at it.

To apply goo to something

They gooed their hair with some fragrant styling product.

{i} sticky substance; excessive sentimentality (Slang)
any thick messy substance
You can use goo to refer to any thick, sticky substance, for example mud or paste. a sticky goo of pineapple and coconut. an unpleasantly sticky substance gooey (Perhaps from glue)
goo goo ga ga
Imitation of the sound of a baby who hasn't yet learned to speak

But I had read something by Sinclair Lewis many years ago, and there was one page where some guy was looking down in the baby carriage going ‘Goo goo ga ga’ and the baby was thinking adult thoughts like ‘Ah, the stupid guy. What’s the matter, can’t he talk straight?’.

A government reformer
A Philippine person
goo-goo eyes
A romantic look at something or someone

I made the opposite of goo-goo eyes at him. Or at least, I tried. I don't believe I need to make goo-goo eyes to hook up..

goo goo
(of speech or vocal sounds) childish or meaningless
goo goo
amorously adoring. >> making goo-goo eyes
grey goo
a hypothetical end of the world event involving nanotechnology in which out of control self-replicating nanobots consume all life on Earth
moo goo gai pan
An Americanized version of the Cantonese dish, usually a simple stir-fried dish consisting of sliced or cubed chicken with white button mushrooms and other vegetables such as snow peas, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and Chinese cabbage
gray goo
(Tıp, İlaç) Grey goo is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all living matter on Earth while building more of themselves (a scenario known as ecophagy)
moo goo gai pan
a Cantonese dish of chicken and sauted vegetables