gone bad

listen to the pronunciation of gone bad
English - English
Of foods and commodities, having become spoiled, rotten, or otherwise unusable due to age or storage conditions
Of a geographic area, having become unsafe
Past participle of go bad
Of a person or entity, having ceased to be reputable and having instead become delinquent, criminal, or poorly behaved
go bad
Of a person or entity, to cease to be reputable and instead become delinquent, criminal, or poorly behaved
go bad
Of a geographic area, to become unsafe
go bad
Of foods and commodities, to spoil, rot, or otherwise become unusable due to age or storage conditions
gone bad

    Turkish pronunciation

    gôn bäd


    /ˈgôn ˈbad/ /ˈɡɔːn ˈbæd/


    [ 'gO ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English gon, from Old English gAn; akin to Old High German gAn to go, Greek kichanein to reach, attain.