goldwater republican

listen to the pronunciation of goldwater republican
English - English
A member of the Republican Party whose policies resemble those of the late Arizona senator Barry Goldwater. These policies include the smallest government possible at the federal level, as well as social libertarianism, in contrast to the Moral Majority

A lot of people who think of themselves as Goldwater Republicans do not know what it really means to be a Goldwater Republican, said Tom Paniccia, a former Air Force sergeant who was discharged from the military last year after he had proclaimed his homosexuality. He has always had a near libertarian stance on keeping government out of people's lives..

goldwater republican


    Gold·wa·ter re·pub·li·can

    Turkish pronunciation

    gōldwôtır ripʌblıkın


    /ˈgōldˌwôtər rēˈpəbləkən/ /ˈɡoʊldˌwɔːtɜr riːˈpʌbləkən/


    () Dating from 1964 in the United States, the year Barry Goldwater tried unsuccessfully for the office of president.