go live

listen to the pronunciation of go live
English - Turkish
(Bilgisayar) Bir sistemi devreye almak, çalıştırmak
English - English
To make some system, which had been under development or operating in a limited test mode, fully active so that its intended users can access it

We want to go live with the new web server on Friday; will you be ready?.

To commence a live broadcast
The date on which a system goes live

In the weeks building up to the go-live, we began to fix problems manically.

go live

    Turkish pronunciation

    gō layv


    /ˈgō ˈlīv/ /ˈɡoʊ ˈlaɪv/


    ... room consumption of live content. ...
    ... The President: Well, first of all, where does your mom live in Ohio? ...