time at Greenwich (England) used as the basis for calculating time zones around the world (also g.m.t.)
GMT is the standard time in Great Britain which is used to calculate the time in the rest of the world. GMT is an abbreviation for `Greenwich Mean Time'. New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT. Greenwich Mean Time. the abbreviation of Greenwich Mean Time , the time as measured at Greenwich in London, that is used as an international standard for measuring time
the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere
Greenwich Mean Time, also known as Zulu time, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), it is the local time at Greenwich Observatory, England (0 degrees longitude)
All genres/reports will be scheduled in GMT and the promos/web should reflect this
Greenwich Mean Time The base time zone from which all other time zones are calculated
Greenwich Mean Time, often used as a standard time zone In e-mail headers, you will often see references to the hours offset from GMT For example, Eastern Standard Time is GMT minus 5 hours because of the 5 hour difference between Greenwich, England and the Eastern US
"Greenwich Mean Time " This is the old term for UTC It is the time of day used as the epoch for Unix and POSIX systems See also "Epoch" and "UTC "
The time zone that all other time zones offset from All time zones in the Western Hemisphere (to the west of the Greenwich meridian and to the east of the international date line) are offsets between 1 and 12
G - reenwich M - ean T - ime: Time at 0° or the Prime Meridian passing through Greenwich England A - lso Universal T - ime C - oordinated (UTC) In aviation Zulu Time
Greenwich Mean Time, the mean solar time of the meridian of Greenwich, England, used until 1972 as a basis for calculating standard time throughout the world
Abbreviation of Greenwich Mean Time GMT is a term sometimes used to describe a watch which indicates the time simultaneously in the world's different time-zones
Abbreviation for Greenwich Mean Time Obsolete term See Coordinated Universal Time