get in touch with

listen to the pronunciation of get in touch with
English - English
telephone, call up, dial
get in with
To become involved or associated with (especially a group of people)

I'm very worried about her – she's got in with the wrong crowd.

get in touch
establish communication with someone; "did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?
get in touch
establish communication with someone; "did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?"
in touch with
in connection with, having ties to/with, in contact with
in touch with
Used in the context of general equities Having a sell inquiry in a stock (not a firm customer sell order), often entailing a capital commitment Antithesis of looking for
get in touch with

    Turkish pronunciation

    get în tʌç wîdh


    /ˈget ən ˈtəʧ wəᴛʜ/ /ˈɡɛt ɪn ˈtʌʧ wɪð/


    ... russia now as he went to his I've been trying to get in touch with Spotify and ...
    ... So before I forget, why don't I get in touch with Katie? ...