gerichtliche vorladung

listen to the pronunciation of gerichtliche vorladung
English - Turkish

Definition of gerichtliche vorladung in English Turkish dictionary

i., huk. çağrı, birini mahkemeye çağıran resmi yazı. f., huk. (birini) mahkemeye çağırmak, (birine) mahkeme çağrısı yollamak
mahkemeye davet etmek
mahkemeye davet
{f} mahkemeye çağır

O neden onları mahkemeye çağırmıyor? - Why doesn't he subpoena them?

Neden seni mahkemeye çağırıyorlardı? - Why would they subpoena you?

{i} mahkeme çağrısı
{i} celp kâğıdı
{f} mahkeme çağırmak
mahkemeye davet et
(fiil) mahkeme çağırmak
German - English
Order from Court requiring a person to appear in Court A subpoena may also require a person to bring documents and/or objects with him
This form is used to notify parties to appear before the Board
If someone subpoenas a person, they give them a legal document telling them to attend a court of law and give evidence. If someone subpoenas a piece of evidence, the evidence must be produced in a court of (Hukuk) Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents. a written order to come to a court of law and be a witness (sub poena (the first words of the written order)). subpoenaed to order someone to come to a court of law and be a witness. In law, a writ commanding the person upon whom it has been served to appear in court or before a congressional committee, grand jury, or some other body, under a penalty for failure to comply. Unlike a summons, a subpoena may command the recipient to produce evidence necessary to the resolution of a legal matter or controversy
{f} serve with a subpoena, serve with an official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
means a legal writ requiring the recipient to appear in court to testify
serve or summon with a subpoena; "The witness and her records were subpoenaed"
– A document issued by a court or administrative agency to compel a person to attend a hearing or to produce documents for inspection at a specified time and place
An order of the court telling a person when and where to appear as a witness
To summon with a subpoena
a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court serve or summon with a subpoena; "The witness and her records were subpoenaed
A document ordering an individual to appear in court and give testimony
a document served on a party or witness commanding appearance at a certain time or place A subpoena duces tecum is a command to produce documents, papers or other things listed in the subpoena
is a writ given to a man commanding him to appear in court, to bear witness or give evidence on a certain trial named in the writ It is so called because the party summoned is bound to appear sub poena centum librorum (under a penalty of 100) We have the verb to subpoena
{i} official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
A court document that requires a witness to appear and testify or to produce documents or papers pertinent to a pending controversy
A writ issued under authority of a court to compel the appearance of a witness at a judicial proceeding, the disobedience of which may be punishable as a contempt of court
A command to a witness to appear and give testimony
(RWT) A command to a witness to appear and give testimony
An official order to appear in court (or at a deposition) at a specific time Failure to obey a subpoena to appear in court is punishable as a contempt of court
(gerichtliche) Vorladung
(gerichtliche) Vorladung
citation (to appear in court)
Eine gerichtliche Vorladung / Anordnung zur Beweisvorlage unter Strafandrohung a
to issue a subpoena
gerichtliche vorladung