gürültü, patırtı

listen to the pronunciation of gürültü, patırtı
Turkish - English
{i} din
To assail with loud noise
1 Drug Information Number, an approval number given by the Canadian Health Protection Branch 2 Deutsches Institut für Normung, the German Standards Institute
1) The Deutsches Institut fŸr Normung (German Institute for Standardization) 2) A type of rounded connector standardized by this organization
To make a din
To repeat continuously, as though to the point of deafening or exhausting somebody
To be filled with sound; to resound
To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse
An acronym for Deutsche Industrie Normung (also seen as Deutsche Institute fur Normung and Deutsche Industrie Norm), DIN is a German organization that establishes standards for industry One common place you'll encounter DIN standards in America is with circular multi-pin plugs, like those found on the ends of MIDI cables Other DIN standards exist, including noise specs, rack measurements, signal EQ standards and more It is important to note that they do not necessarily match up with the corresponding American standards
A numerical rating used in Europe to describe the sensitivity of film to light The DIN rating increases by 3 as the sensitivity of the film doubles See film speed
A din is a very loud and unpleasant noise that lasts for some time. They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd. = racket. a loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time din of. dinned dinning din into to make someone learn and remember something by saying it to them many times. Abu al Fath Jalal al Din Muhammad Akbar Muhi al Din Muhammad Zahir al Din Muhammad Khayr al Din Muhammad Shams al Din Hafiz Mawlana Nur al Din Abd al Rahman ibn Ahmad Jalal al Din al Rumi Salah al Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub Aziz al Din Alamgir II Fakhr al Din al Razi Jamal al Din al Afghani Nasir al Din Shah Naser od Din Shah Safi al Din Abd al Qadir ibn Muhyi al Din ibn MusTafa al Hasani al Jazairi Shaykh Ahmad ibn Zayn al Din Ibrahim al Ahsai Ghiyath al Din Abu al Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim al Neyshaburi al Khayyami Shihab al Din Yahya ibn Habash ibn Amirak al Suhrawardi
A set of German standards recognized throughout the world The 1/8 DIN standard for panel meters specifies an outer bezel dimension of 96 x 48 mm and a panel cutout of 92 x 45 mm
{f} make a loud noise, create a din, make a noisy clamor
{i} noise, ruckus, loud racket
- An acronyme for Deutsche Industrie Normen, an industry standard applied to the most common chassis size of dash mounted head units This approximately 2" by 7"
Deutsche Industrie Normenausschussan; association that sets standards for the electronics industry
To strike with confused or clanging sound; to stun with loud and continued noise; to harass with clamor; as, to din the ears with cries
To grow dim
Deutsche Industrial Norm German industrial standardization for radio dimensions, approximately 7 inches wide by 2 inches high 1
Document Identification Number DOJ: Department of Justice
gürültü patırtı
gürültü patırtı
noise, commotion, noisy confusion
Turkish - Turkish
gürültü patırtı
Kavga, gürültü