An expression of the quantity of an undesirable material which can be removed by a water conditioner between servicing of the media (i e , cleaning, regeneration or replacement), as determined under standard test conditions For ion exchange water softeners, the capacity is expressed in grains of hardness removal between successive regeneration's and is related to the pound of salt used in regeneration For filters, the capacity may be expressed in the length of time or total gallons delivered between servicing
The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; used in reference to physical things
The amount of electric power that can be delivered at one time by a generating unit, generating station, or all the plants on an electric system
Normal ability to produce steel in a given time period This rating should include maintenance requirements, but because such service is scheduled to match the needs of the machinery (not those of the calendar), a mill might run at more than 100% of capacity one month and then fall well below rated capacity as maintenance is performed
Capacity refers to a rate of vehicular or person flow that can be expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or roadway during a specific period, which is most often a peak 15-minute period, and which is not the maximum volume that can be accommodated during an hour, under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions Capacity and Level of Service (LOS) are analyzed separately and are not simply related to each other; both must be fully considered to evaluate the overall operation of a facility Capacity analysis may be used in the computation of Volume-to-Capacity (V/C) ratios In some cases, the V/C ratio is used to define LOS
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of güç, iktidar in Turkish Turkish dictionary