{i} pig pen, enclosure in which pigs are kept; place that is filthy and uncared for; swollen inflammation on the edge of the eyelid
A sty is the same as a pigsty. Inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid. or hordeolum Infection of an eyelid gland. An external sty results from infection of a sebaceous gland at the edge of the eyelid; tears flow and the eye feels tender, as if something is in it. The sty reddens and swells. Warm compresses help it break sooner. An internal sty is caused by infection of a meibomian gland under the eyelid lining. More painful than an external sty, it usually breaks through the inner lining of the lid when it discharges and may leave a painless cyst (chalazion) at the site. See also boil
Inflammation of one or more sebaceous, or fluid-producing, glands of an eyelid See Free Eye Tests
göz kapağında çıkan arpacık, gözkapağı bezi iltihabı, hordeolum
göz ka·pa·ğın·da çı·kan ar·pa·cık, göz·ka·pa·ğı be·zi il·ti·ha·bı, hor·de·o·lum