Definition of functor in English English dictionary
a structure-preserving mapping between categories: if F is a functor from category C to category D, then F maps objects of C to objects of D and arrows of C to arrows of D such that any arrow f: X→Y of C is mapped to an arrow F(f): F(X) → F(Y) of D, such that if h = g \circ f then F(h) = F(g) \circ F(f), and such that identity arrows (and only identity arrows) are mapped to identity arrows. Note: the functor just described is covariant
Characterized by its name, which is an atom, and the arity or number of arguements
Combination of name and arity of a compound term The term fooa, b, c is said to be a term belonging to the functor foo3 foo0 is used to refer to the atom foo
This is a generic module in SML It can be thought of as a function that generates a structure from one or more input structures See Also: generic, module, structure
A function symbol/arity pair These have the same role as records in other languages (structs in C) which is to aggregate data These are the data constructors in the context of type systems
Given a category C, a covariant representable functor hA sends each object X in category C to C(A,X), the set of arrows from A to X, and sends each arrow f: X → Y to a function from C(A,X) to C(A,Y) which maps each element s of C(A,X) to an element f \circ s of C(A,Y). A contravariant representable functor hA sends each object X in category C to set C(X,A) and each arrow f: X → Y to a function from C(Y,A) to C(X,A) which maps each element s of C(Y,A) to an element s\circ f of C(X,A). Note: hA: C → Sets and hA: Cop → Sets, because hA reverses the direction of the morphisms, whereas hA does not