from, on behalf of

listen to the pronunciation of from, on behalf of
English - Turkish

Definition of from, on behalf of in English Turkish dictionary

on behalf of
in adına
on behalf of
-in namına
on behalf of
-in yararına
on behalf of

Bay Simon tarafından arıyorum sizi. - I'm calling you on behalf of Mr. Simon.

on behalf of
yerine tarafından
on behalf of
onun adına
on behalf of
on behalf of
on behalf of
on behalf of
birinden yana
on behalf of
on behalf of
-in adına
on behalf of

İş arkadaşlarım adına teşekkürlerimi ifade etmek istiyorum. - I would like to express our thanks on behalf of my colleagues.

Avukat müvekkili adına ikna edici bir şekilde konuştu. - The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.

on behalf of
English - English

Definition of from, on behalf of in English English dictionary

on behalf of
Speaking or acting for

On behalf of all those present, may I thank you for a well executed presentation.

on behalf of
under the auspices of, in the name of, with the knowledge of
on behalf of
in the name of
from, on behalf of


    from, on be·half of



    ... uh... and in the house behalf of to this meeting ...
    ... And on behalf of Google, let me extend our warmest welcome ...