foul play is suspected after woman teacher disappears

listen to the pronunciation of foul play is suspected after woman teacher disappears
English - German
Nach dem Verschwinden einer Lehrerin wird ein Verbrechen vermutet
foul play is suspected after woman teacher disappears


    foul play I·s suspected af·ter wo·man teach·er disappears

    Turkish pronunciation

    faul pley îz sıspektıd äftır wûmın tiçır dîsıpirz


    /ˈfoul ˈplā əz səˈspektəd ˈaftər ˈwo͝omən ˈtēʧər ˌdəsəˈpērz/ /ˈfaʊl ˈpleɪ ɪz səˈspɛktəd ˈæftɜr ˈwʊmən ˈtiːʧɜr ˌdɪsəˈpiːrz/