An inorganic addition to the composite matrix that may impart a variety of performance improvements such as shrinkage control, surface smoothness, water resistance and cost reduction or is added to lower cost or density Sometimes the term is used specifically to mean particulate additives
A material such as cotton mop yarn, glass fiber insulation, oakum, polyethylene, Denver foam, etc , which is pressed into an opening or joint so that the compound applied to seal the joint will exert pressure and form good contact against the sides of the joint or opening
(1) A material used in multi-conductor cables to occupy large interstices formed by the assembled conductors (2) An inert substance added to a compound to improve properties or decrease cost
An additive in a PVC compound to both reduce costs and add performance properties (impact strength, less sticking to metal surfaces, increased stiffness) The most common are Calcium carbonate, dolomite, kaolin and chalk Even glass spheres and glass fibre are used as fillers