Knowledge of the future, either by means of encounter with the facts of the future without any necessary causative relationship between the knowing and the facts, or by determining and thus controlling the facts of the future
proginosko - "to know before" (pro, "before," ginosko, "to know") "to know beforehand; knowledge based on prior experience" and is the same word from which comes "prognosis" Because God has exhaustive knowledge of the past and present, He is able to predict, to "prognosticate", to know before, to a large extent what will happen and what people, particularly large groups of people, will do in any given set of circumstances HOWEVER, since the future does not yet exist, God cannot know with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY the free moral choices of moral agents Contra the traditional view that "scripture uses the term "foreknow" for God's prescience or foresight concerning future events Foreknowledge is thus an aspect of God's omniscience
If you have foreknowledge of an event or situation, you have some knowledge of it before it actually happens. She has maintained that the General had foreknowledge of the plot. knowledge that something is going to happen before it actually does