foreign companies are permitted to repatriate their profits

listen to the pronunciation of foreign companies are permitted to repatriate their profits
English - German
Ausländische Firmen dürfen ihre Gewinne ins Mutterland rückführen
foreign companies are permitted to repatriate their profits


    for·eign companies are permitted to re·pat·ri·ate their profits

    Turkish pronunciation

    fôrın kʌmpıniz ır pırmîtıd tı ripeytrieyt dher präfîts


    /ˈfôrən ˈkəmpənēz ər pərˈmətəd tə rēˈpātrēˌāt ˈᴛʜer ˈpräfəts/ /ˈfɔːrən ˈkʌmpəniːz ɜr pɜrˈmɪtəd tə riːˈpeɪtriːˌeɪt ˈðɛr ˈprɑːfɪts/