for free

listen to the pronunciation of for free
English - Turkish

Bedavaya bir dil öğrenin. - Learn a language for free.

Sana bunu bedava veriyorum. - I'm giving it to you for free.

for nothing
for nothing

Bu kitabı ücretsiz alabilirsin. - You can have this book for nothing.

Onu ücretsiz olarak alabilirsin. - You may have it for nothing.

for nothing
for nothing
for nothing
nafile yere
for nothing
(Argo) boku bokuna
for nothing
pisi pisine
for nothing
boş yere

Ben onu boş yere aldım. - I got it for nothing.

O, kitabı boş yere aldı. - He got the book for nothing.

for nothing

Tom bu biletleri bedava aldı. - Tom got these tickets for nothing.

Bir şeyi asla bedava alamazsın. - You never get something for nothing.

for nothing

Bütün çabalarım boşa gitti. - All my pains went for nothing.

for nothing

Ben bu kitabı boşuna aldım. - I got this book for nothing.

Yandaki bayan artık onu istemediği için biz bu sandalyeyi boşuna aldık. - We got this chair for nothing because the lady next door didn't want it anymore.

for nothing
pro bono
ücret alınmadan sunulan avukatlık hizmeti
pro bono
Bedava, ücret alınmadan
English - English
Without effort; as a useful side-effect of something that was to be done anyway

When they fixed that one bug, we got this new software feature for free.

Without paying

We got all our food for free, it was included in the contract.

pro bono
without payment; "I'll give you this gratis"
free of charge, at no cost
for nothing

I got it for nothing. They are giving them away as publicity.

for free

    Turkish pronunciation

    fôr fri


    /ˈfôr ˈfrē/ /ˈfɔːr ˈfriː/


    [ f&r, (')for, Southern a ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English; akin to Latin per through, prae before, pro before, for, ahead, Greek pro, Old English faran to go; more at FARE.


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