for, in support of, approving, supporting

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English - Turkish

Definition of for, in support of, approving, supporting in English Turkish dictionary

in favor of
tarafında olarak
in favor of

2020 yılında, tüm kamu kurumlarında Almanca kullanımı nüfusun bir kısmında kitlesel protestolara rağmen, İngilizce lehine kaldırılmıştır. - In 2020, the use of German in all public institutions was abolished in favor of English, despite massive protests on the part of the population.

Konuşma onların sosyal hareketinin lehineydi. - The address was in favor of their social movement.

in favor of
in favor of

Anne ve babası gezisinin lehinde idi. - His parents were in favor of his trip.

Ben önerinini lehindeyim. - I am in favor of your proposal.

in favor of
-in lehinde, -in lehine, -den yana, -in taraftarı
English - English
in favor of
for, in support of, approving, supporting