
listen to the pronunciation of fog
English - Turkish
{i} sis

Londra sisi ile ünlüdür. - London is famous for its fog.

Lambanın ışığı siste parıldıyordu. - The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog.

{i} karartı
{f} buğulanmak; buğulandırmak
{i} duman
(gözlük/vb.) buğulanmak
{f} buğulan

Sıcak duş alırsam banyodaki ayna buğulanır. - If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up.

Buhar benim gözlüğümü buğulandırdı. - The steam has fogged my glasses.

kafasını karıştırmak
fog bank uzaktan özellikle denizde görülen sis
sis yığını
{i} bulanıklık
sis,v.buğulan: n.sis
belirsiz olmak
{f} sis kaplamak
sisle dolmak
{f} sis basmak
{f} donuklaştırmak
{f} karartmak
sisle kaplamak
{i} pus
fog bank
sis yığını
fog density
(Nükleer Bilimler) sis yoğunluğu
fog lamp
sis lambası
fog up
sis bas
fog blurs the view
sis blurs görünüm
fog dislocates traffic
sis dislocates trafik
fog halts the traffic
sis durdurur trafik
fog horn
sis düdüü
fog index
sis endeksi
fog is falling
sis düşüyor
fog is lifting
sis taşıyor
fog light
Taşıtlarda sis lambası
fog lights
(Otomotiv) Sis farları
fog machine
sis makinası
fog of
fog the issue
konuyu karıştırmak
fog up
(Cam vs.) Buğulanmak
fog bank
yoğun sis tabakası
fog oil
(Askeri) SİS YAĞI: Mekanik sis jeneratörlerinde kullanılan ve sis meydana getiren özel yağ
(Çevre) sislendirme
mount kit front fog lamp
montaj kiti ön sis lambası
slight fog
thick fog
yoğun sis
advection fog
adveksiyon sisi
asphalt fog coat
asfaltlı karartma örtüsü
asphalt fog seal
asfaltlı karartma örtüsü
dense fog
yoğun sis
dichroic fog
dikroik sis
dry fog
kuru sis
{f} buğulan

Buhar benim gözlüğümü buğulandırdı. - The steam has fogged my glasses.

frost fog
buzlu sis
ice fog
buz sisi
inversion fog
inversiyon sisi
land fog
kara sisi
rear fog lamp
arka sis lambası
sea fog
deniz sisi
thick fog
kalın sis
(fog) to come down
sis çökmek
(fog) to roll in
sis çökmek
all in a fog
(Argo) kafası bulanık olmak
all in a fog
(Argo) kafası bulanmak
all in a fog
(Argo) duyguları karışık olmak
black fog
(Meteoroloji) siyah sis
chemical fog
(Nükleer Bilimler) kimyasal sis
dense fog advisory
(Meteoroloji) yoğun sis uyarısı
dichro fog
(Nükleer Bilimler) iki renkli sis
evaporation fog
(Meteoroloji) buharlaşma sisi
exposure fog density
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınlama sisi yoğunluğu
(Tıp) Bulanık görme
(Askeri) DONUKLAŞTIRMA: İç yüzeylere veya elin nispeten ulaşamayacağı yüzeylere, buhar şeklinde, kimya bileşiği tatbiki
(Tıp) 1.Göz hekimliğinde kişinin görme derecesini değerlendirmede uygulanan bir test
freezing fog
(Meteoroloji) donan sis
hill fog
(Meteoroloji) tepe sisi
ice fog
(Askeri) BUZLU SİS: Alçak sükunet, yüksek nispi rutubet ve sakin veya hafif rüzgarlı bulutsuz devrelerdeki yoğunlaşmadan meydana gelen donmuş su zerreleri
in a fog
(deyim) zihni karismis
inherent fog density
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaçınılmaz sis yoğunluğu
inversion fog
(Meteoroloji) inverziyon sisi
moderate fog
(Meteoroloji) mutedil sis
moderate fog
(Meteoroloji) orta yoğunlukta sis
monsoon fog
(Meteoroloji) muson sisi
photographic fog density
(Nükleer Bilimler) fotografik sis yoğunluğu
radiation fog
(Meteoroloji) radyasyon sisi
shallow fog
(Askeri) sığ sis
shore fog
(Askeri) kıyı sisi
skirt fog
(Askeri) ETEK SİSİ: Islak bir mevziden fırlatılmakta olan bir füzenin motorlarını çevreleyen buhar ve bulutu
skirt fog
(Askeri) etek sisi
steam fog
(Meteoroloji) buhar sisi
town fog
(Askeri) BUZLU ŞEHİR SİSİ; BUZLU SİS: Çok düşük hava sıcaklığında (-320; -59°) oluşan buzlu sis. Bölgesel olarak oluşan ılık rutubetli havanın çevredeki soğuk hava ile uyuşamaması yüzünden, buzlu sis genellikle meskun yerlerin üzerinde görünür. Buzlu sis, çok düşük hava sıcaklıklarında kıtaların, sığır sürülerinin ve benzeri şeylerin üzerinde bulunabilir
tule fog
(Meteoroloji) tül sis
turbid fog
yoğun sis
upslope fog
(Meteoroloji) yukarı eğim
upslope fog
(Meteoroloji) yamaç sisi
English - English
To become dim or obscure
A thick cloud that forms near the ground; the obscurity of such a cloud
To make confusing or obscure
A mist or film clouding a surface
To become covered with or as if with fog
To cover with or as if with fog
To make dim or obscure
Tall and decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season
To become obscured in condensation or water

The mirror fogged every time he showered.

To obscure in condensation or water
A silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image
A state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion

He did so many drugs, he was still in a fog three months after going through detox.

A new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed
{n} a thick mist, misty state, vapor, after grass
A cloud with its base at the Earth's surface Visibility is reduced to less than 1 km
A natural weather phenomenon which usually occurs around an airport while the surrounding areas are clear Fog is controlled by the airlines and is used to delay flights
To envelop, as with fog; to befog; to overcast; to darken; to obscure
A cloud on the ground
Dead or decaying grass remaining on land through the winter; called also foggage
When there is fog, there are tiny drops of water in the air which form a thick cloud and make it difficult to see things. The crash happened in thick fog These ocean fogs can last for days
Watery vapor condensed in the lower part of the atmosphere and disturbing its transparency
{f} cloud; cover with fog; become covered with fog; obscure, blur, confuse; cause bewilderment, perplex
A cloud on the ground Fog is composed of billions of tiny water droplets floating in the air
cloud that collects at the surface of the Earth fold a bend in beds or layers of rock food Chain in ecology, a sequence showing the feeding relationships between organisms in a particular ecosystem Footloose industry industry that can be sited in any of a number of places
Liquid particles less than 40 microns in diameter that are formed by condensation of vapor in air (Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 1990)
To render semiopaque or cloudy, as a negative film, by exposure to stray light, too long an exposure to the developer, etc
dense cloud in contact with a land or water surface, with density specified by visibility
A cloud, with its base on the surface, reducing visibility If visibility is frequently reduced to 1/4 of a mile or less, the fog is termed dense fog
Cloudiness or partial opacity of those parts of a developed film or a photograph which should be clear
A hydrometeor consisting of a visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the earth's surface Fog differs from cloud only in that the base of fog is at the earth's surface while clouds are above the surface
A large number of small water droplets suspended in the lower atmosphere, its only difference from a cloud being that it is close to the ground Fog drastically reduces the visibility at ground level
Vapor condensed to fine particles of water and obscuring vision near the ground
A fog is an unpleasant cloud of something such as smoke inside a building or room. a fog of stale cigarette smoke
A visible aggregate of minute water particle (droplets) which are based at the Earth's surface and reduces horizontal visibility to less than 5/8 statue mile, and unlike drizzle, it does not fall to the ground It occurs most frequently in coastal regions because of the great water vapor content of the air However, it can occur anywhere The rapidity with which fog can form makes it especially hazardous It forms by any atmospheric process that does one of the following: 1) Cools the air to its dew point 2) Raises the dew point to the air temperature Names given to fog types identify their methods of formation The principle types are radiational fog, ice fog, advection fog, upslope fog, rain induced fog, and steam fog These types of fog are called "dense" when the surface visibility is equal to or less than 1/4 miles A Dense Fog Advisory will be issued when the dense fog becomes widespread
A visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the surface of the earth, reducing horizontal visibility to less than 5/8 statute miles It is created when the temperature and the dew point of the air have become the same, or nearly the same, and sufficient condensation nuclei are present It is reported as "FG" in an observation and on the METAR
To pasture cattle on the fog, or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from
You can use fog to refer to a situation which stops people from being able to notice things, understand things, or think clearly. The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology Synchronizing these attacks may be difficult in the fog of war His mind was in a fog when he finally got up. Cloud of small water droplets near ground level that is dense enough to reduce horizontal visibility to less than about 3,000 ft (1,000 m). Fog may also refer to clouds of smoke particles (smog), ice particles, or mixtures of these components. When visibility is more than 3,000 ft, the phenomenon is termed mist or haze, depending on whether it is caused by water drops or by solid particles. Fog is formed by the condensation of water vapour on condensation nuclei that are always present in natural air. The most stable fogs occur when the surface is colder than the air above. Fogs can also occur when cold air moves over a warm, wet surface and becomes saturated by the evaporation of moisture from the surface. Convection currents carry the fog upward as it forms, and it appears to rise as steam or smoke from the wet surface
an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
A visible mass of condensed water vapor at ground level; caused when the relative humidity of the air reaches 100% at the surface
Fog is water droplets suspended in the air at the Earth's surface Fog is often hazardous when the visibility is reduced to ¼ mile or less
confusion characterized by lack of clarity
To practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog
To show indistinctly or become indistinct, as the picture on a negative sometimes does in the process of development
A dense mass of small water droplets suspended in the air near the ground Visibility is reduced to less than 1 kilometre See also mist
{i} haze, mist, mass of small droplets of water in the air which reduce visibility; confusion; blurring; hazy appearance, cloudiness (on photographic film); aftergrass, grass that grows after the initial crop has been mown (Agriculture)
A hydrometeor consisting of numerous minute water drop- lets and based at the surface; droplets are small enough to be suspended in the earth's atmosphere indefinitely
An overall density in the photographic image caused by unintentional exposure to light or unwanted chemical activity
Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility
droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
Fog exists if the atmospheric visibility near the Earth's surface is reduced to 1 kilometer or less Fog can be composed of water droplets, ice crystals or smoke particles Fogs composed primarily of water droplets are classified according to the process that causes the air to cool to saturation Common types of this type of fog include: radiation fog; upslope fog; advection fog; evaporation fog; ice fog; and frontal fog
As international standard fog is a general term applied to a suspension of droplets in a gas In meteorology, it refers to a suspension of water droplets resulting in a visibility of less than 1 km (ISO 1994) WMO defines fog as a suspension of very small, usually microscopic water droplets in the air, generally reducing the horizontal visibility at the earth's surface too less than 1 km (WMO 1992)
Heavy fog with obstructed vision In the interest of traffic safety motorists are advised to proceed with caution
A second growth of grass; aftergrass
droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
a cloud based at the earth's surface consisting of tiny water droplets; usually found in calm or low wind conditions Visibility is usually reduced to less than 1 km
A state of mental confusion
The visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the earth's surface Essentially a cloud whose base is at the earth's surface, limiting visibility
make less visible or unclear; "The stars are obscured by the clouds"
a cloud with its base at the earth's surface
It differs from cloud only in being near the ground, and from mist in not approaching so nearly to fine rain
fog collection
The collection of water from fog, using a canvas to pick up the water particles
fog lamp
A bright red lamp (normally one of a pair) at the rear of a motor car that can be switched on during foggy weather so as to avoid collisions from cars approaching from behind
fog lamps
plural form of fog lamp
fog light
one of a pair of lights, mounted at the front of a car, below the headlights, usually white or yellow in colour, for increased visibility ahead in foggy driving conditions
fog line
The boundary of a body of air, contacting the earths surface, that has fallen below the dew point and usually contains fog
fog line
A line painted on a road (usually bright white) that marks the edge of the legally drivable portion
fog line
: The point in the stack descending into a portion of the program where there is no available source code, thus making debugging much more difficult. Most notably, the transition into proprietary code in a closed-source operating system
fog oil
Petroleum based oil specially blended to produce a dense, efficient, screening smoke when vaporized and recondensed at atmospheric temperatures. Officially, fog oil is standard grade fuel number 2 (SGF2)
fog up
To become coated with condensation. To steam up

My glasses fogged up when he opened the shower door.

fog light
front or rear light on a car that casts light of a color in order to reduce the effect of fog and rain
fog up
[for something made of glass] to become partially or completely obscured by a film of water vapor
fog bank
A fog bank is an area of thick fog, especially at sea. A dense mass of fog defined against clearer surrounding air, often as viewed from a distance at sea
fog belt
A region of the ocean where fogs are of marked frequency, as near the coast of Newfoundland
fog of war
lack of order that prevails at the beginning of a war; chaos, obstruction of the field of vision
fog up
get foggy; "The windshield fogged up
Yorkshire fog
A tall, perennial grass, Holcus lanatus, sometimes used as forage
advection fog
A type of fog caused by the passage of moist air horizontally over a relatively colder surface and the consequent cooling of that air to below its dew point
ice fog
A dense fog that consists of fine particles of ice
radiation fog
a fog produced by the cooling of air at the ground through the release of electromagnetic energy in the form of heat
Anti-fog agents, also known as anti-fogging agents and treatments, prevent the condensation of water on a surface in the form of small droplets which resemble fog. Anti-fog treatments are often used for transparent glass or plastic surfaces in optics, such as the lenses and mirrors found in glasses, goggles, camera objectives, and binoculars. Anti-fog treatments work by minimizing surface tension, resulting in a non-scattering film of water instead of single droplets, an effect called wetting. Anti-fog treatments usually work either by application of a surfactant film or by creating a hydrophilic surface
fibro fog
(Tıp, İlaç) Otherwise known as “dyscognition” fibro fog is the new medical term researchers are using to describe symptoms related to difficulty concentrating, disorganized thinking, memory problems, and inability to stay focused or alert. According to neuro-psychologist Jennifer Glass, Ph.D., at the University of Michigan, “These cognitive symptoms are often more troubling to the patient than other symptoms.”
HI-FOG is an innovative fire protection technology utilising high pressure to produce a fine water mist. HI-FOG combines the extinguishing characteristics of water with the penetrative qualities of gases without any danger to people or the environment
be shrouded in thick fog
be covered in thick fog
chemical fog
smog in the air from chemical emissions
dense fog
heavy fog, heavy mist
dispersion of fog
scattering of fog
{s} foggy, blurred, unclear, obscure; thick with fog, cloudy, misty
obscured by fog; "he could barely see through the fogged window
obscured by fog; "he could barely see through the fogged window"
past of fog
Adjustment of the distance setting on a lens to define the subject sharply
Not particularly relevant to CAD applications, fogging is a technique by which objects can be reduced in colour intensity so that they appear to be buried in a distant mist or fog This technique can aid the impression of distance, and can be used as a performance-saving feature in some games, with fogging eliminating the need for distant objects to be drawn It's something of a double-edged sword, since fogging can require lots of processing power It is generally used to create atmospheric effects
A deposit of contamination left on the inside surface of a sealed insulating glass unit due to extremes of temperatures or failed seals
Applying a pesticide by rapidly heating the liquid chemical so that it forms very fine droplets that resemble smoke or fog Used to destroy mosquitoes, black flies, and similar pests
The ability for a videocard to correctly simulate fog in an environment, and to render objects that enter that fog correctly This creates a simulation of distance and atmosphere--the farther the object or terrain is, the higher likelihood it will be enveloped in fog
Allowing sensitive film to receive generalised non-image-forming light Has a darkening effect on negatives, gives a pale, washed out result on slides Can also be caused chemically
Darkening or discoloring of a negative or print or lightening or discoloring of a slide caused by exposure to nonimage-forming light to which the photographic material is sensitive, too much handling in air during development, over-development, outdated film or paper, or storage of film or paper in a hot, humid place
A deposit or film left on an interior surface of a sealed insulating glass unit due to extreme conditions or failed seals Fenestration: Originally, an architectural term for the arrangement of windows, doors, and other glazed areas in a wall Has evolved to become a standard industry term for windows, doors, skylights, and other glazed building openings From the Latin word, "fenestra", meaning window Finger-Joint: A toothed joint used to combine two pieces of wood, end to end Fixed lite: Non-venting or non-operable window Flashing: A thin strip of metal or other material that diverts water away from a window, door, or skylight Float glass: Glass produced by a process in which the ribbon is floated across a bath of molten tin The vast majority of flat glass is now produced using this method The terms "plate" glass and "sheet" glass refer to older manufacturing methods still in limited use
A deposit of contamination left on the inside surface of the sealed insulating glass unit due to extremes of temperatures Usually happens with failed SIG
The blending of a color, often light grey, with parts of an image such that the farther objects become increasingly obscured (See Atmosphere effects ) In other words, the contrast between the fog color and objects in the image gets lower the deeper an object appears in the scene Fogging may be used to provide a back-clipping plane where objects too distant to be seen clearly are removed to speed up the rendering of a scene
present participle of fog
The process of nebulising water into sub 5 micron
plural of fog
third-person singular of fog
ice fog
a dense winter fog containing ice particles
ice fog
A fog of ice particles. Also called pogonip
in a fog
confused; surrounded by fog