fluid which develops in the abdomen when the liver is not functioning properly

listen to the pronunciation of fluid which develops in the abdomen when the liver is not functioning properly
English - English
fluid which develops in the abdomen when the liver is not functioning properly


    flu·id which develops in the ab·do·men when the li·ver I·s not functioning prop·er·ly

    Turkish pronunciation

    fluıd hwîç dîvelıps în dhi äbdōmın hwen dhi lîvır îz nät fʌngkşınîng präpırli


    /ˈflo͞oəd ˈhwəʧ dəˈveləps ən ᴛʜē abˈdōmən ˈhwen ᴛʜē ˈləvər əz ˈnät ˈfəɴɢksʜənəɴɢ ˈpräpərlē/ /ˈfluːəd ˈhwɪʧ dɪˈvɛləps ɪn ðiː æbˈdoʊmən ˈhwɛn ðiː ˈlɪvɜr ɪz ˈnɑːt ˈfʌŋkʃənɪŋ ˈprɑːpɜrliː/