
listen to the pronunciation of flight
English - Turkish

New York ve Tokyo arasında doğrudan uçuşlar son zamanlarda başlamıştır. - Direct flights between New York and Tokyo commenced recently.

Uçuş JL 123 için bagajı nerede bulabileceğimi bana söyleyebilir misiniz? - Could you tell me where I can find the baggage for flight JL 123?


Şehirlerden beyaz göçü önlemek kolay değildir. - It's not easy to prevent white flight from cities.


Pazartesi öğleden sonra hareket eden bir uçuşa ihtiyacım var. - I need a flight that leaves on Monday afternoon.

Uçağım bir saat içinde hareket edecek. - My flight will depart in an hour.

{i} kuş sürüsü
göç etmek
{i} kaçış
{i} uçma

9:30 uçağı ile uçmak istiyorum. - I'd like to take a 9:30 flight.

uçakla seyahat
(Askeri) (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU) UÇUŞ: 1. Müşterek bir görev almış belirli bir uçak grubu. 2. Harekat harici bir görevde tek bir uçağın yaptığı uçuş

Uçuş ne kadar sürüyor? - How long is the flight?

Tokyo'dan Hawai'ye uçuş ne kadar sürüyor? - How long is the flight from Tokyo to Hawaii?

yağmur (kurşun, ok vb)
(Askeri) UÇUŞ (A. B. D. SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): 1. Deniz ve deniz piyade sınıfında genellikle müşterek bir görev almış belirli bir uçak grubu
(Argo) fertik

Tom iki kat merdiven düştü ve şimdi hastanede. - Tom fell down two flights of stairs and is now in the hospital.

Tom'u iki kat aşağıya taşıdım. - I carried Tom down two flights of stairs.

{i} geri çekilme
{i} firar

9:30 uçağı ile uçmak istiyorum. - I'd like to take a 9:30 flight.

bir kat merdiven
(kuş/uçak/vb.) sürü
yol alma
put to flight kaçm
{i} kaçma
{i} yağmur kurşun
{i} ok vb
{i} akış
(isim) kaçma, uçuş, uçma, kuş sürüsü, böcek sürüsü, yağmur (kurşun, ok vb.), akış, kaçış, firar, geri çekilme
hayal kurma
{i} böcek sürüsü
birkaç uçaktan ibaret hava filosu
bir uçuşta katedilen mesafe
(Kanun) sefer

Bu, Bostona giden Sefer 333 için son çağrı. - This is the last call for Flight 333 to Boston.

Bagajınız bir sonraki seferde gibi görünüyor. - It looks like your luggage is on the next flight.

flight deck
(Askeri) UÇUŞ GÜVERTESİ: 1. Bazı uçaklarda, uçağı uçuşta idare için mürettebat tarafından işgal edilen yüksekçe bölüm. 2. Bir uçak gemisinin üst güvertesi olup pist olarak faydalanılır
flight profile
(Askeri) UÇUŞ PROFİLİ: İrtifa, hız, menzil ve manevra cinsinden bir uçağın uçuş yolunun belirlenmesi
flight crew
uçuş mürettabatı
flight crew
(Havacılık) uçuş mürettebatı
flight data
(Havacılık) uçuş verileri
flight data
(Havacılık) uçuş bilgisi
flight form
(Askeri) uçuş formu
flight inspection
(Havacılık) uçuş kontrol
flight level
(Askeri) uçuş irtifası
flight level
(Askeri) uçuş yüksekliği
flight of stair
merdivenin uçuş
flight pay
(Askeri) uçuş zammı
flight profile
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçuş profili
flight safety
(Askeri) uçuş emniyeti
flight school
(Askeri) uçuş okulu
flight stick
(Bilgisayar) uçuş kolu
flight stick
(Bilgisayar) uçuş çubuğu
flight surgeon
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçuş doktoru
flight test
(Askeri) uçuş kontrolü
flight test
(Askeri) uçuş testi
flight altitude
uçuş yüksekliği
flight attendant
uçuş görevlisi
flight book
uçuş defteri
flight control
uçuş kontrolü
flight deck
uçuş güvertesi
flight level
uçuş seviyesi
flight line
uçuş hattı
flight of capital
sermaye kaçışı
flight of fancy
flight of stairs
(bir kattan başka bir kata giden) merdiven
flight path
uçuş yolu
flight plan
uçuş josparı
flight recorder
kara kutu
flight strip
uçuş koridoru
flight time
uçuş süresi
flight time
uçuş zamanı
flight visibility
uçuşta görüş alanı
flight attendants
uçuş görevlileri
flight bound
uçuş sahası

Yesterday a small explosion set off in a flight bound while a plane about to taken off.

flight control
uçuş kontrol
flight day
uçuş günü
flight departure
uçuş kalkış
flight engineer
uçak mühendisi
flight instruments
uçuş aletleri
flight managment system
uçuş yönetim sistemi
flight of stair
iki merdiven sahanlığı arasındaki merdiven bölümü
flight of steps
adımlar uçuş
flight path
uçuş rotası
flight path
(Havacılık) Uçuş hattı
flight path angle
(Havacılık) Uçuş hattı acısı
flight simulator
Uçuş simülatörü
flight strip
uçuş şeridi, uçuş koridoru
flight suit
uçuş elbisesinin
flight advisory
(Askeri) ROTA (UÇUŞ) BİLDİRİSİ: Uçuş halindeki bir uçak veya ilgili istasyonlara, bir rota sapmasını veya düzensizliği haber vermek için gönderilen mesaj
flight altitude
(Askeri) UÇUŞ YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Uçuş halindeki uçağın genellikle başlangıç sathını (datum plane) teşkil eden deniz sathından itibaren ölçülen dikey mesafesi
flight attendant
flight board
(Arılık) uçuş tahtası
flight borne
(Askeri) uçuşta
flight borne
(Askeri) uçuş halinde
flight cabin
uçuş kabini
flight capital
kaçak sermaye
flight chain
(Madencilik) kazağı zinciri
flight check
(Havacılık) uçuş denemesi
flight control system
(Askeri) UÇUŞ KONTROL SİSTEMİ (HV.): Balistik füzelerle pilotsuz uzay araçlarında, roketle sevk edilen aracı rampadan ayrılış (liftoff) ve, varsa güdüm sistemi harekete geçinceye kadarki sevk haklı uçuş süresince, tespit edilmiş rota üzerinde tutan otomatik sistem
flight coordination center
(Askeri) UÇUŞ KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ: Uçuş harekat merkezinin, trafik düzenlemesi ve muhabere imkan ve kabiliyetlerini uzatmak maksadıyla, normal olarak, sahra ordusu ileri bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan bir tali bölümü
flight data recorder/fault analyzer
(Askeri) uçuş veri kaydedicisi/hata çözümleyici
flight deck landing practice
(Askeri) güverteye inişi geliştirme amaçlı eğitim uçuşu
flight deck status and signaling system
(Askeri) uçuş güverte durum ve işaret sistemi
flight diagram
(Askeri) UÇUŞ DİYAGRAMI: Bir uçak pilotuna yol gösteren seyir diyagramı
flight diagram
(Askeri) uçuş diyagramı
flight engineer
(Askeri) UÇUŞ MÜHENDİSİ: Bak. "engineer"
flight environment
(Askeri) UÇUŞ ŞARTLARI (HV.): Havadaki bir sistemi veya teçhizat parçasını çevreleyen ve etkileyen şartlar
flight facilities
(Askeri) HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL KISMI, HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL ŞUBESİ (HV.): A. F. C. S. Komutanlık terimi. Bir AFCS birliğinin, hava trafik kontrol hizmetlerini gören bir karargah kısmı.. Ayrıca bir karargahta, hava trafik kontrol sorumluluğu taşıyan bir birliğin hava trafik kontrol görevleri üzerinde karargah denetiminde bulunan bir kısım
flight facilities officer
(Askeri) HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL KISIM AMİRİ, HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL ŞUBESİ MÜDÜRÜ (HV.): Hava trafik kontrol kısmı veya şubesini denetlemek veya yönetmek üzere görevlendirilmiş bir şahıs
flight feather
uçmayı kolaylaştıran tüy
flight ferry control center; force fires coordination center
(Askeri) uçuş feri kontrol merkezi; kuvvet atış koordinasyon merkezi
flight following
(Askeri) UÇUŞ TAKİBİ: Belirli bir uçağın rotasındaki gelişmeye ve/veya uçuş bitimini tespit için teması muhafaza etme görevi
flight form
(Askeri) UÇUŞ FORMU: Bir uçağın yükünü oluşturan personel ve malzemeyi yazmak ve uçağın ağırlık merkezini belirtmek maksadıyla tutulan örnek
flight formation
(Askeri) KOL/UÇUŞ DÜZENİ: Belirli bir tertipte uçan iki veya daha çok uçak. Buna kısaca "formation" da denir
flight indicator
(Askeri) UFUK GÖSTERGESİ: Uçağın gerçek ufka nazaran yana eğiklik (tilt) derecesini gösteren ve alet uçuşunda kullanılan jiroskopik veya başka bir alet
flight information center
(Askeri) UÇUŞ BİLGİ MERKEZİ: Uyarı ve uçuş bilgi hizmeti sağlamak üzere oluşturulmuş bir birlik
flight information publication; flight instruction procedures
(Askeri) uçuş malumat yayını; uçuş talimat usulleri
flight information publications
(Askeri) UÇUŞ HABERLERİ YAYIMLARI (HV.): Pilotlu uçuşların, seyrüsefer yardımcı vasıtaları ve tesisleriyle ilgili olarak, planlaması, icrası ve sona erdirilmesi konusunda bilgi veren yayın
flight information region
(Askeri) UÇUŞ BİLGİ BÖLGESİ: İçerisinde uçuş bilgi hizmeti ve uyarı hizmeti sağlanmış belirli boyutta bir hava sahası. Ayrıca bakınız: "air traffic control area", "air traffic control center". "area control center"
flight information service; foreign intelligence service
(Askeri) uçuş malumat hizmeti; yabancı istihbarat servisi
flight kit
(Havacılık) uçuş donanımı
flight kit
uçuş teçhizatı
flight kitchen
(Havacılık) uçuş mutfağı
flight level
(Askeri) UÇUŞ SEVİYELERİ: Belirli bir basınç bilgi birimi 1013,2 mb (29.92 Hg-civa) ile ilgili bulunan ve belirli basınç fasılaları ile ayrılan sabit atmosfer basıncı yüzeyleri (uçuş seviyeleri yüzlerce feeti gösteren 3 haneli olarak ifade edilir. Örneğin uçuş yüzey seviyesi 250 demek 25000 feetlik bir barometrik altimetreyi temsil eder, uçuş seviyesi 255 demek 25.500 feetin belirtisi demektir)
flight levels
(Havacılık) uçuş seviyeleri
flight lieutenant
pilot yüzbaşı
flight line
(Askeri) PARK VE BAKIM YERİ: Uçakların park edildikleri ve bakımlarının yapıldığı yer
flight load
(Havacılık) uçuş yükü
flight log
(Askeri) UÇAĞIN ÜSTTEN GÖRÜNÜŞÜ: Bir uçağın üstten görünüşü. Hava savunma personeline uçak siluetlerini tanıtmak amacıyla yapılan eğitimde kullanılan standart uçuş killerinden biri. Buna "top view" da denir
flight manifest
(Askeri) UÇUŞ MANİFESTOSU: Bir uçaktaki personelin isim, rütbe ve sicil numarası halinde tam kayıtlarını gösteren form. Bu form aynı zamanda yüklenen malzemenin uçaktaki yeri ve raf numarası ile kısa tanımını da verir. Personel ve malzeme için yük hesapları da gösterilir. Her uçak için, kaç nüsha lazımsa o miktarda, ayrı bir form hazırlanır
flight mechanic
uçuş teknisyeni
flight method
(Askeri) KOLLARLA BOMBARDIMAN USULÜ: Uçaklarla bombardıman taarruzu usulü. Bu usulde hücum birlikleri düşman hava savunma mevziinin ve dinleme aletlerinin hemen dışında kalır ve eşit aralıklara çeşitli yönlerden hedef sahasına kollar gönderir. Bu yöntem, özellikle, geceleri kullanılır
flight monitor
(Askeri) uçuş gözlemcisi
flight motor
(Askeri) uçuş motoru
flight muscle
(Arılık) uçma kası
flight note
(Arılık) uçuş işareti
flight number
uçuş numarası
flight number 120 is now boarding
120 numaralı uçuş binişe başlamıştır
flight nurse
(Havacılık) uçuş hemşiresi
flight of fancy
hayal, hayal kurma
flight of stairs
{i} iki kat arasındaki merdivenler
flight of stairs
(isim) iki kat arasındaki merdivenler
flight of stairs
(bir kattan merdiven sahanlığına kadar giden) merdiven bölümü
flight of step
merdiven kolu
flight officer
(Askeri) HAVA ÜSTEĞMENİ: İngiliz Hava Kuvvetlerinde hava subaylarına mahsus bir rütbe. Bu rütbe, Amerikan Hava Kuvvetlerinde (first lieutenant" rütbesine karşılık gelir)
flight officer
(Askeri) hava üsteğmeni
flight operation center
(Askeri) UÇUŞ HAREKAT MERKEZİ: Taktik kara-hava trafik düzenleme sisteminin, aletli uçuş durumundaki hava araçlarının takibini, ayrılmasını ve dost hava savunma makamlarına dost uçakların tanıtılmasını temin eden unsuru
flight or fight response
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kaç-kavga et tepkisi
flight path
uçuş pateni
flight path
uçuş yörüngesi [balistik]
flight path
(Askeri) UÇUŞ YOLU: Bir uçak, füze veya uzay aracının hava uzay sahasında hareket halinde iken bulunduğu mevkileri düşey ve yatay düzlemlere göre devamlı olarak birleştiren hat
flight pay
(Askeri) UÇUŞ ZAMMI: Bak. "aviation pay"
flight plan
uçuş planı
flight plan
(Askeri) UÇUŞ PLANI: Tasarlanan bir uçuşa ait bilgiler. Bu plan, çıkış zamanını ve yerini, rotayı, muhabere vasıtalarını, muhtemel dönüş ve gidilen yere varış zamanını içerir
flight plan correlation
(Askeri) UÇUŞ PLANI MÜNASEBETİ: Bilinen uçuş planları yardımı ile bir uçağı tanıtma vasıtaları
flight position
(Askeri) UÇUŞ VAZİYETİ: Uçuş halindeki bir uçağın gözetlenebileceği (5) beş görünüşten biri. Bu görünüşler şunlardır.1. Önden görünüş (coming flight) veya (front view) 2. Yandan görünüş (passing flight) veya (side view) 3. Üstten görünüş (flight at lower altitude) veya (top view) 4. Alttan görünüş (overhead flight) veya (bottom view) 5. Perspektif görünüş (maneuvering flight) veya (perspective view)
flight range
(Askeri) uçuş menzili
flight ration
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçuş rasyonu
flight ration
(Askeri) UÇUŞ RASYONU: Uçuş için veya uçuş esnasında verilen, diğer rasyonlardan daha çok nişasta içeren ve gaz yapmayan rasyon çeşidi
flight readiness firing
(Askeri) FÜZE UÇUŞ HAZIRLIK ATIŞI (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Füzenin rampasına (launcher) tespit edilmiş halde iken, çalışır durumdaki tahrik sistemi ile yapılan kısa süreli bir füze sistemi deneyi. Böyle bir deney, uçuş kontrolundan (deneyinden) önce, füze sistemi ve atış kızağı düzenindeki hazırlık derecesini tespit için yapılır
flight recorder
(Askeri) UÇUŞ KAYITÇISI, UÇUŞ KAYIT ALETİ: Hava basıncının değişmesi vesaire gibi çeşitli uçuş şartlarını kaydeden kombine alet
flight report
(Askeri) UÇUŞ RAPORU: Hava Kuvvetlerinde, bir uçuşa ait detayı kayıt için kullanılan rapor formu. Bu rapora uçuş müddeti, uçağın evsafı ve mürettebatı tarafından yapılan görevler kaydedilir
flight report
(Askeri) uçuş raporu
flight risks
(Sigorta) uçuş rizikoları
flight space
(Havacılık) uçuş ortamı
flight strip
(Havacılık) uçuş şeridi
flight suit
(Askeri) uçuş kombinezonu
flight suit
(Askeri) uçuş elbisesi
flight suit
(Askeri) uçuş tulumu
flight surgeon
(Askeri) UÇUŞ DOKTORU, HAVA DOKTORU: Hava doktorluğu alanında özel surette yetişmiş ve başlıca görevi hava mürettebatının sağlık muayene ve bakımı olan doktor
flight test
(Askeri) UÇUŞ DENEYİ, UÇUŞ KONTROLU, TECRÜBESİ: Bir uçak, roket, füze veya diğer aracın fiili uçuşlar veya fırlatılmak suretiyle yapılan deneyi. Uçuş kontrolları (deneyleri), belirli deney maksatlarını temin ve çalıştırma bilgileri elde etmek üzere planlanır
flight test vehicle
(Askeri) UÇUŞ DENEY ARACI (HV.): Ya bizzat kendi imkan ve kabiliyetinin tespiti veya uçuş deneyine ihtiyaç gösteren teçhizatın taşınması için uçuş deneyleri yapmaya mahsus bir deney aracı
flight ticket
uçak bileti

İç hatlarda ucuz bir uçak biletiniz var mı? - Do you have a cheap flight ticket on a domestic line?

flight time
(Havacılık) uçuş müddeti
flight visibility
(Askeri) UÇUŞ GÖRÜŞ MESAFESİ: Uçuş halindeki bir uçağın pilot kabininden bariz ışıklı olmayan cisimlerin gündüz tanımlanabildiği ve bariz ışıklı cisimlerin geceleyin tanımlanabildiği vasati ufki mesafe
flight worthy
uçuşa elverişli
flight worthy
uçuşa uygun
flight yoke
(Bilgisayar) uçuş dümeni
flight deck
flight number
(Havacılık) sefer sayısı
English - English
The act of flying

Birds are capable of flight.

A feather on an arrow or dart used to help it follow an even path
A journey made by an aircraft, eg a balloon, plane or space shuttle, particularly one between two airports, which needs to be reserved in advance

Where is the departure gate for flight 747? / Go straight down and to the right.

Act of fleeing of a refugee or a fugitive
A collective term for doves or swallows
A floor which is reached by stairs or escalators

How many flights is it up?.

A set of stairs or an escalator. A series of stairs between landings
: The movement of a spinning ball through the air - concerns its speed, trajectory and drift
An aerodynamic surface designed to guide such a projectile's trajectory
The act of fleeing. (Flight is the noun which corresponds to the verb flee.)

take flight.

Fast, swift
Several sample glasses of a specific wine varietal. The pours are smaller than a full glass and the flight will generally include three to five different samples
The ballistic trajectory of an arrow or other projectile
An instance of flying

The migrating birds' flight took them to Africa.

A paper plane
An air force unit
{n} a running away, escape, sally, flock
Flight is the action of flying, or the ability to fly. These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods Supersonic flight could become a routine form of travel in the 21st century
1 The movement of an object through the atmosphere or through space, sustained by aerodynamic, aerostatic, or reaction forces, or by orbital speed; especially, the movement of a man-operated or man-controlled device, such as a rocket, a space probe, a space vehicle, or aircraft
A flight is a journey made by flying, usually in an aeroplane. The flight will take four hours
{i} flying; aviation; trip on an airplane; set of stairs; escape, running away; group (of birds, planes, etc.); passage of time
fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"
A scheduling tactic which alternates periods of advertising with periods of no activity
A series of steps or stairs from one landing to another
The act of fleeing. (It is noun version of flee)
an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
an air force unit smaller than a squadron a formation of aircraft in flight a flock of flying birds fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"
A flight of birds is a group of them flying together. A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest
Any time a pilot starts an aircraft engine with the intention of leaving the ground At Utah Valley State College, flight time begins from the moment of ignition
An advertising campaign on a specific Web site for a Specific time period Also, to send out a creative to a Web site
An advertising campaign on a specific Web site for a specific time period Also, to send out creative to a Web site Top
The act of flying; a passing through the air by the help of wings; volitation; mode or style of flying
a scheduled trip by plane between designated airports; "I took the noon flight to Chicago"
the path followed by an object moving through space
passing above and beyond ordinary bounds; "a flight of fancy"; "flights of rhetoric"; "flights of imagination"
An advertising campaign that runs for a specific web site over a specified time span
A number of beings or things passing through the air together; especially, a flock of birds flying in company; the birds that fly or migrate together; the birds produced in one season; as, a flight of arrows
(1) one of the subevents of a flighted (1) tournament
A kind of arrow for the longbow; also, the sport of shooting with it
A ball is in flight when travelling through the air
A group of arrows, usually three or six, which are shot before going to the target to score and retrieve them
The time period over which an ad runs, I e start and end dates
the simulation of motion by the flyer until an landing or a crash is detected
A floor which are reached to by stairs or escalators
shoot a bird in flight
a stairway (set of steps) between one floor or landing and the next passing above and beyond ordinary bounds; "a flight of fancy"; "flights of rhetoric"; "flights of imagination"
The husk or glume of oats
The movement of a spinning ball through the air - concerns its speed, trajectory and drift
The period of time during which butterflies from the same generation fly It can also be used to refer to a single generation of butterflies In the species accounts presented here, the period of time given for when adults "fly" (for example, from May to early August) is the length of time adults may be observed Those adults may be from one generation or from several successive generations
An aircraft, or group of aircraft that are to be considered as a single entity, known to the ATC system
a scheduled trip by plane between designated airports; "I took the noon flight to Chicago" an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him" a stairway (set of steps) between one floor or landing and the next passing above and beyond ordinary bounds; "a flight of fancy"; "flights of rhetoric"; "flights of imagination" an air force unit smaller than a squadron a formation of aircraft in flight a flock of flying birds fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese" shoot a bird in flight
a flock of flying birds
Flight is the act of running away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation or place. The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses. her hurried flight from the palace in a cart
The length of time a broadcaster's campaign runs A series of flights in a media campaign separated by a hiatus is called Flighting
A section of steps between landings or floors
Lofty elevation and excursion; a mounting; a soaring; as, a flight of imagination, ambition, folly
a formation of aircraft in flight
Wayward, opposed
A aerodynamic surfaces designed to guide such a projectiles trajectory
the act of escaping physically; "he made his escape from the mental hospital"; "the canary escaped from its cage"; "his flight was an indication of his guilt"
decorate with feathers; "fledge an arrow"
(1) One of a series of belt conveyors discharging one to another (2) A series of cleats or profiles on a belt
an air force unit smaller than a squadron
You can refer to an aeroplane carrying passengers on a particular journey as a particular flight. I'll try to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight BA flight 286 was two hours late
If someone takes flight, they run away from an unpleasant situation or place. He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately. = flee. The act or an instance of running away; an escape
The act of fleeing; the act of running away, to escape danger or expected evil; hasty departure
A flight of steps or stairs is a set of steps or stairs that lead from one level to another without changing direction. We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor
The metal strap or crossbar attached to the drag chain-and-flight conveyor
A succession of steps uninterupted by a landing or winders
A journey made by an air craft, eg a balloon, plane or space shuttle
flight attendant
A member of the crew (staff) of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers
flight attendants
plural form of flight attendant
flight ceiling
The highest altitude at which an aircraft may fly due to physical factors, such as low air density
flight data recorder
a device which records various performance parameters of an aircraft; especially one designed to survive an impact and thus help in finding the causes of an accident; along with the cockpit voice recorder, it is part of the flight recorder
flight feather
Any asymmetrical feather of the wing or tail of a bird
flight feathers
plural form of flight feather
flight level
Any of several internationally agreed standard altitudes that are based on atmospheric pressure rather than on true height
flight lieutenant
A rank in the RAF, between that of flying officer and squadron leader, of a person in charge of a flight of aircraft
flight line
The precise movement of a civil photogrammetric aircraft along a predetermined course at a predetermined altitude during the actual photographic run
flight line
The area of an airfield where aircraft may be parked and serviced, including hangars, but not including taxiways or runways
flight lines
plural form of flight line
flight mode
A feature included in some electronic devices that deactivates the device's radio transmitters and receivers. It mostly applies to cell phones, but it is applicable to any electronic device that transmits radio signals as its primary function
flight of fancy
An idea, narrative, suggestion, etc. which is extremely imaginative and which appears to be entirely unrealistic, untrue, or impractical; thinking which is very speculative

No German troops were mobilized along Canada's border last week, no Canadian cities had been bombed, and only by the remotest flight of fancy could alarmists see the Dominion as a battleground.

flight path
the traveled path of a projectile, rocket or aircraft through the air
flight path
a predefined route of travel for an aircraft or spacecraft
flight recorder
a device which records data that would be of use in investigating the cause of an aircraft accident; comprises a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder
flight recorders
plural form of flight recorder
flight risk
A factor considered by courts in deciding whether to grant bond to defendants, and if so, how much bond should be required
flight path
(Havacılık) The actual or planned course of an aircraft or spacecraft
Flight into Egypt
a story in the Bible in which Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus run away to Egypt to escape from King Herod, who has ordered all male babies to be killed
flight attendant
a person who works on a commercial aircraft and assists passengers
flight attendant
an attendant on an airplane
flight attendant
steward, stewardess, airline employee who tends to passengers' needs during a flight
flight attendant
1 A trained person who is responsible for looking after the passengers on an aircraft In addition to serving food and drinks, the flight attendant is responsible for seeing that safety regulations are obeyed and passengers know what to do in case of emergency 2 A gender-neutral alternative to "steward" or "stewardess" (qv)
flight attendant
flight attendant
On an aeroplane, the flight attendants are the people whose job is to look after the passengers and serve their meals. A person who assists passengers in an aircraft. someone who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane, and looks after their comfort and safety
flight bag
A lightweight flexible piece of luggage with zippered outside pockets
flight capital
{i} (Econmics, Finance) money or securities invested abroad because of the fear of risks or political instability of the holder's specific counry or because there are higher returns in the country abroad
flight commander
person in charge of an air force unit consisting of two or more planes (U.S. Military)
flight control
control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flight crew
the people, such as the pilot and flight attendants, who work on a plane during a flight
flight crew
{i} all employees working on an airplane (pilot, copilot, stewards and stewardesses)
flight deck
runway of an aircraft carrier located on the upper deck; cockpit of the airplane
flight deck
the upper deck of an aircraft carrier; used as a runway
flight deck
On an aircraft carrier, the flight deck is the flat open surface on the deck where aircraft take off and land
flight deck
Cockpit; the area where the aircraft is controlled from
flight deck
The cockpit on a large aircraft, separated from the rest of the cabin
flight deck
Located just behind orbiter's nose
flight deck
On a large aeroplane, the flight deck is the area at the front where the pilot works and where all the controls are
flight engineer
The crew member responsible for the mechanical performance of an aircraft in flight
flight engineer
{i} crewmember on a flight who is in charge and handles the mechanical operation during the flight
flight engineer
the flight crewman responsible for mechanical operation while in flight
flight feather
Any of the comparatively large, stiff feathers of a bird's wing or tail that are necessary for flight
flight feather
any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird
flight formation
group of airplanes flying in a particular arrangement
flight instruments
instruments in an aircraft which provide flight information (altitude, air speed, direction, etc.)
flight level
Altitude expressed in hundreds of feet FL 350 is equal to 35,000 feet Below about 20,000 feet, Flight Levels are not used Military and some older civilian pilots may give their altitude in Angels An Angel is equal to 1,000 feet A pilot may also report his altitude as "level at 18,000" This is not the same as a Flight Level, but means that he has stopped climbing or descending at the indicated altitude
flight level
An altitude of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29 92 inches of mercury, stated in three digits in hundreds of feet In the US, the FL system is used for flights at and above 18,000 ft msl
flight level
A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29 92 inches of mercury Each is stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet For example, flight level (FL) 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; FL 255, an indication of 25,500 feet
flight level
means a level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29 92 inches of mercury (1013 25 hPa) Each is stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet For example, flight level 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; flight level 255, an indication of 25,500 feet
flight level
Altitude above sea-level in 100 feet units measured according to a standard atmosphere Strictly speaking a flight level is an indication of pressure, not of altitude Only above the transition level (which depends on the local QNH but is typically 4000 feet above sea level) flight levels are used to indicate altitude, below the transition level feet are used
flight lieutenant
In the British air force, a flight lieutenant is an officer of the rank below squadron leader. a middle rank in the British air force, or someone who holds this rank
flight lieutenant
commissioned officer in the air force (in Australia, Britain and Canada)
flight line
place where airplanes are parked and the maintenance hangars (but not the runways or taxiways)
flight line
The area of an airfield, specifically the parking area and the maintenance hangars, where aircraft are onloaded, offloaded, and serviced
flight maneuver
a maneuver executed by an aircraft (as for evasive purposes)
flight of capital
When people lose confidence in a particular economy or market and withdraw their investment from it, you can refer to a flight of capital from that economy or market. TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital to telecom and Internet-related businesses
flight of imagination
fantasy, reverie, daydream, fancy
flight of stairs
{i} stairway, set of steps, flight of steps
flight of steps
a stairway (set of steps) between one floor or landing and the next
flight of steps
{i} stairway, set of steps, flight of stairs
flight panel
instrument panel, surface on which the instruments that control an aircraft are arranged
flight paramedic
trained medical technician in the air force
flight path
The precise route taken or due to be taken through the air by an aircraft or spacecraft. the course that a plane or space vehicle travels along
flight path
flight route followed by aircraft
flight path
the path of a rocket or projectile or aircraft through the air
flight plan
A detailed statement of the schedule and expected route of an aircraft or spacecraft
flight plan
plan which details the destination and route of an aircraft
flight range
distance (an aircraft, etc.) is able to fly
flight recorder
On an aeroplane, the flight recorder is the same as the black box. A crashworthy device that records data about an aircraft's flight, such as airspeed, heading, and the procedures of the pilot. Also called black box. a piece of equipment in an aircraft that records details such as the plane's speed and direction = black box. Instrument that records the performance and condition of an aircraft in flight. Regulatory agencies require these devices on commercial aircraft to make possible the analysis of crashes or other unusual occurrences. They are housed in heavy steel within layers of insulation, protecting them against impacts and fires. The recording tape is also protected against inadvertent erasure and contact with seawater. It records airspeed, altitude, heading, vertical acceleration, and aircraft pitch. It also includes a separate device that records voice communication within the aircraft and by radio. Both recorders are carried in the tail of the aircraft
flight refuelling
taking on a fresh supply of fuel while in the air
flight regulations
aviation laws, rules guiding the operation and flight of aircraft
flight schedule
An entertaining work of paperback fiction
flight schedule
flight schedule
A report that shows all flights available between given destinations, and the departure and arrival times
flight sergeant
a middle rank in the British air force, or someone who holds this rank
flight simulator
a machine used to train pilots that copies closely the movements and conditions that exist when flying an aircraft
flight simulator
simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane
flight simulator
device which imitates the actions and motions of a plane in flight (used for teaching purposes or entertainment)
flight suit
one piece garment worn by pilots
flight surgeon
a medical officer specializing in aviation medicine
flight surgeon
An air force physician who specializes in aeromedicine
flight time
means pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing
flight time
In the case of heavier-than-air aircraft, the total time from when the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of a flight until the moment at which it comes to rest on completion of the flight
flight time
That portion of the trip actually spent in the air For billing purposes this definition is generally strict and only applies from moment of liftoff to moment of touchdown
flight time
The time from the moment the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of flight until the moment it comes to rest at the next point of landing 1"Block-to-block" time l
Lévy flight
A type of random walk in which the increments are distributed according to a “heavy-tailed” distribution i.e. there are a significant number of large increments
first flight cover
a philatelically inspired letter flown on the first flight of a new airline service
Unable to fly. Usually used with birds such as the penguin, ostrich, and emu
space flight
A voyage in space
space flight
Flight into, from or through space
take flight
To fly; to become aloft, to become airborne; to take off (the ground)

Though the bird is still young, in a day or two it will spread its wing and take flight for the first time.

Used attributively to describe various processes, devices, etc, that use the time an object or light takes to travel a certain distance. See [[#Derived terms|Derived terms]]
time-of-flight mass spectrometry
a technique of separating ions of different masses by measuring the time taken to traverse a fixed distance through a magnetic field
{s} unable to fly
Flight Attendant
incapable of flying
A flightless bird or insect is unable to fly because it does not have the necessary type of wings. unable to fly
plural of flight