
listen to the pronunciation of filter
English - Turkish

Mary kahveyi süzmek için kağıt filtre kullanır. - Mary uses a paper filter to strain coffee.


Hava filtreni değiştirmen gerekir. - You need to change your air filter.

Maria suyu filtre etti. - Maria filtered the water.

(Tıp) fılter
(Bilgisayar) süzme

Mary kahveyi süzmek için kağıt filtre kullanır. - Mary uses a paper filter to strain coffee.

{f} süz

Mary kahveyi süzmek için kağıt filtre kullanır. - Mary uses a paper filter to strain coffee.

Ben senin çayını süzüyorum. - I'm not filtering your tea.

filtreden geçirmek
{i} k.dili., çoğ. filtreli sigaralar
color filter renk filtresi
{f} süzerek ayırmak
duyulmak filter bed filtre havuzu
filter paper filtre kâğıdı
(Tıp) Işık, su ve diğer sıvıları süzmeğe yarayan alet, süzgeç, filtre
(Askeri) FİLTRE: Elektronikte ikincil enerjinin yalnız bir kısmını gönderen ve bundan dolayı enerji dağıtımının kapsamını değiştiren alet. a. Yüksek geçirgenli filtreler enerjiyi belli bir frekansın üstünde gönderirler. b. Alçak geçirgenli filtreler enerjiyi belli bir frekansın altında gönderirler. c. Band geçirgenli filtreler enerjiyi belli bir bant boyunca gönderir. d. Band durdurucu filtreler enerjiyi belli bir frekans bandı dışında gönderirler
{f} filtre etmek

Bu tozu havadan filtre etmek olanaksızdır. - This dust is impossible to filter from the air.

filtre vazifesi görmek
süzgeçten geçirmek veya geçmek
filtreleme yapmak
(Askeri) filitre
filter area
(Askeri) süzme bölgesi
filter area
(Bilgisayar) süzme alanı
filter board
(Askeri) süzme grafiği
filter dos
(Bilgisayar) süzmek
filter for
(Bilgisayar) süz
filter gain
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) süzgeç kazancı
filter is
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç
filter mask
(Çevre) filtreli
filter name
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç adı
filter on
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç açık
filter on
filtreden geçirmek
filter out
filter paper
(Otomotiv) kağıt filtre
(Bilgisayar) süz/sırala
filter bag
filtre torbası
filter bed
filtre havuzu
filter choke
filtre bobini
filter cloth
filtre bezi
filter cloth
süzme bezi
filter gravel
filtre çakılı
filter lid
filtre kapağı
filter out
filter paper
süzücü kağıt
filter paper
süzgeç kâğıdı
filter paper
filtre kâğıdı
filter tip
filterli sigara
filter attenuation
süzgeç zayiflatmasi, filtre zayiflatmasi
filter cake
filtre pastası
filter capacitor
süzgeç kondansatörü
filter cartridge
filtre elemanı, süzgeç peteği
filter down
filter factor
filtre katsayısı, süzgeç katsayısı
filter feeder
filtre besleyici
filter network
süzgeç devresi, filtre devresi
filter press
süzme cenderesi
filter sand
filtre kumu
filter support assembly
Filtre destek montaj
filter wheel
filtre tekeri, süzgeç tekeri
filter aid
(Gıda) filtre yardımcısı
filter aids
(Gıda) süzme yardımcıları
filter area
(Askeri) SÜZME BÖLGESİ: Bir avcı komutanlığı tarafından hava haber verme ve ikaz hizmeti içinde düşman faaliyetlerine ait bilgileri toplamak kıymetlendirmek ve dağıtmak; maksadıyla tesis edilen bölge. Bu bölge; hava savunma bölgesinin tali kısmıdır ve ayrıca kendi içinde hava akınını haber verme ve uyarı mıntıkalarına (airraid warning district) bölünür
filter attenuation band
suzgecin zayiflatma bandi
filter base
(Matematik) filtre tabanı
filter base
(Matematik) süzgeç tabanı
filter bed
(İnşaat) sızdırmalı yatak
filter bed
tabanı kum kaplı tank
filter bed
filtre tabaka
filter board
(Askeri) SÜZME GRAFİĞİ: Üzerinde bir hava haber verme ve uyarı hizmetine ait süzme bölgesi ile komşu bölgelerin krokisi çizilmiş levha. Süzme merkezinin personeli, bildirilen bütün uçak harekatını bu grafik üzerine geçirir
filter body
(Otomotiv) filtre gövdesi
filter bolt
(İnşaat) filtre cıvatası
filter box
(Tekstil) filtre dolabı
filter box
(İnşaat) filtre kutusu
filter cage
(Otomotiv) filtre muhafazası
filter cap
filtre başlığı
filter cap
süzgeç başlığı
filter cell
hücreli filtre
filter cell
filtre hücresi
filter center
(Askeri) SÜZME MERKEZİ: 1. Bir hava haber verme ve uyarı sistemi süzme bölgesinin merkezi muhabere bürosu. Bu büro; uçakların harekatına ait bütün raporları alır ve gelen bilgileri süzerek harekat merkezine gönderir. 2. Gemilerin, uçakların ve denizaltıların hareketlerini rapor ederek onların muhtemel doğru izlerini tespit etme ve uygun olduğu yerlerde yükseklik ve derinliklerini tespit etme işlemi
filter coffee
filtre kahve
filter design
suzgec tasarimi
filter discrimination
suzgecin seciciligi
filter dll
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç dll'i
filter drain
(Otomotiv) filtre boşaltma
filter drum
filtre tamburu
filter drum
filtre silindiri
filter element
(Askeri) MEKANİK SÜZGEÇ: Gaz maskesi süzgecinin veya sığınak gaz süzgecinin mekanik parçası. Bu parça; yabancı maddeleri mekanik olarak ayırır. Ayrıca bakınız: "mechanical filter"
filter error
(Bilgisayar) süzme hatası
filter error
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç hatası
filter felt
filtre keçesi
filter field
(Bilgisayar) alan süz
filter gain
suzgec kazanci
filter grease trap
(Askeri) FİLTRELİ BULAŞIK SÜZGECİ: Altına ufak delikler açılan ve içine bir miktar saman, ot veya bez konmak suretiyle pis sulardaki yağ ve çöpleri süzmekte kullanılan kova veya teneke gibi bir kap
filter head
filtre tutucu ayak
filter head
(Otomotiv) filtre üstü
filter index
(Bilgisayar) süzgeçdizini
filter insert
filtre bagası
filter light
ışık sızdırmak
filter links
(Bilgisayar) bağlantıları süz
filter mat
(Tekstil) filtre keçesi
filter menu
(Bilgisayar) menü süz
filter mode
(Bilgisayar) süzme kipi
filter mode
(Bilgisayar) süzme modu
filter object wizard
Nesne Süzgeç Sihirbazı
filter out
topluca çıkmak (sinema vb.)
filter out
filter out
filter paper
(Tekstil) süzgeç kağıdı, filtre kağıdı
filter pipe
filtre borusu
filter press
(Gıda) baskı filtresi
filter rod
filtre çubuğu
filter sand
filtre kum
filter specification
suzgec belirtimi
filter tank
filtre tankı
filter tank
filtre deposu
filter test
(Ticaret) filtre testi
filter tip
sigara filtresi
filter tip
filtreli sigara
filter tip
filter tipped
filter title
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç başlığı
filter transfer function
suzgecin aktarim islevi
filter unit
(Tekstil) bakım birimi, filtre birimi
filter used
(Bilgisayar) kullanılan filtre
filter well
süzdürme kuyusu
filter well
filtre kuyusu
filter wizard
Süzgeç Sihirbazı
filter wrench
(İnşaat) filtre kayışı
fine filter
ince filtre
fibrous filter
fiber filtre
fight filter
ışık filtresi
fine filter
parazit giderici filtre
absolute filter
(Askeri) mutlak filtre
adaptive filter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uyarlanır süzgeç
advanced filter
(Bilgisayar) gelişmiş süz
advanced filter
(Bilgisayar) gelişmiş süzme
apply filter
(Bilgisayar) süzgeci uygula
capture filter
(Bilgisayar) yakalama süzgeci
charcoal filter
karbon filtre
compound filter
birleşik süzgeç
create filter
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç oluştur
edit filter
(Bilgisayar) süzgeci düzenle
edit filter
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç düzenle
fabric filter
bez filtre
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç uygulanmış
(Bilgisayar) süzerken
(Bilgisayar) süzüyor

Ben senin çayını süzüyorum. - I'm not filtering your tea.

(Bilgisayar) süzülüyor
(Ticaret) süzgeçten geçirme
(Bilgisayar) süzgeç
(Bilgisayar) süzgeçler
having a filter
ideal filter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) düşüncel süzgeç
internal filter
(Denizbilim) iç filtre
median filter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ortanca süzgeci
neutral density filter
gri filtre
neutral density filter
(Fotoğrafçılık) doğal yoğunluk filtresi
notch filter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çentik süzgeci
recursive filter
(Bilgisayar) özyineli süzgeç
rejection filter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) söndürme süzgeci
remove filter
(Bilgisayar) süzgeci kaldır
restricted air filter
tıkalı hava filtresi
rotary filter
döner filtre
sand filter
(Çevre) kum filitresi
sleeve filter
hortum filtre
spatial filter
uzamsal süzgeç
sponge filter
(Denizbilim) sünger filtre
trickling filter
(Çevre) damlatmalı filtre
acoustic filter
akustik filtre
active filter
aktif filtre
air filter
tenek filtresi
air filter
tenek süzgeci
air filter
hava filtresi
all pass filter
tam geçirgen filtre
amplitude filter
genlik süzgeci
audiofrequency filter
ses frekans filtresi
auxiliary filter
yardımcı filtre
bag filter
torba filtre
balanced filter
dengeli filtre
band elimination filter
bant söndüren filtre
band pass filter
bant geçiren filtre
band stop filter
bant söndüren süzgeç
band-pass filter
bantgeçiren filtre
bridged t filter
köprülü t süzgeci
carburettor filter
karbüratör benzin filtresi
carburettor fuel filter
karbüratör benzin filtresi
carrier filter
taşıyıcı süzgeci
carrier transfer filter
taşıyıcı transfer filtresi
cauchy filter
cauchy süzgeci
cell filter
hücreli filtre
centrifugal filter
santrifüj filtre
ceramic filter
seramik filtre
chebyshev filter
çebişev filtresi
coaxial filter
koaksiyal süzgeç
coffee filter
kahve filtresi
coloured filter
renkli filtre
coloured filter
renk süzgeci
coloured filter
renk filtresi
comb filter
tarak süzgeç
composite filter
bileşik süzgeç
cooling filter
soğutma süzgeci
cooling water filter
soğutma suyu filtresi
crankcase oil filter
karter yağ süzgeci
crystal bandpass filter
kristal bant geçirici filtre
crystal filter
kristal süzgeç
digit filter
sayı filtresi
disk filter
diskli filtre
drum filter
silindir gövdeli filtre
dry air filter
kuru hava filtresi
dry filter
kuru filtre
electric wave filter
elektrik dalga filtresi
electronic air filter
elektronik hava filtresi
felt filter
keçe filtre
English - English
To diffuse; to cause to be less concentrated or focused
To pass through a filter or to act as though passing through a filter
A proper subset of a poset A, which subset includes an element less than both of every pair of its members, and includes every element more than each of its members

The collection of cofinite subsets of ℝ is a filter under inclusion: it includes the intersection of every pair of its members, and includes every superset of every cofinite set.

Electronics or software that separates unwanted signals (for example noise) from wanted signals or that attenuates selected frequencies
To ride a motorcycle between lanes on a road
Any item, mechanism, device or procedure that acts to separate or isolate
A device which separates a suspended, dissolved, or particulate matter from a fluid, solution, or other substance; any device that separates one substance from another
To move slowly or gradually; to come or go a few at a time
To sort, sift, or isolate
{v} to strain, to pour clear off
{n} a strainer
A filter is a lesser guide that brings information to a channel from a superior spirit
To purify or defecate, as water or other liquid, by causing it to pass through a filter
an electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it
run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream; "water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose"; "reports began to dribble in"
Same as Philter
[orig {{UNIX}}, now also in {{MS-DOS}}] n A program that processes an input data stream into an output data stream in some well-defined way, and does no I/O to anywhere else except possibly on error conditions; one designed to be used as a stage in a `pipeline' (see {plumbing})
A program, which is used extensively by blocking software programs that examines messages and applications for specified critieria and then either allows or denys its operation Filters are common in places such as public libraries and schools and tend to block the chat function of WebCT
A process that modifies a sound by passing some frequencies more readily than others, changing the spectral balance of the sound
A filter is an electrical circuit that allows signals in certain frequency ranges to pass through, and attenuates or blocks all other frequencies There are many types of filters, such as low pass filters, high pass filters, and band pass filters Examples of filters used in machinery monitoring instruments are low pass filters to reject high frequency noise and to prevent aliasing, and high pass filters to reject low frequency noise Variable frequency band pass filters were used in the past to perform spectrum analysis, but they have been largely supplanted by the FFT analyzer
A device that attenuates or increases certain portions of the audio frequency spectrum A bandpass filter passes signal energy only in a specified band and attenuates all others A highpass filter attenuates energy below a certain cutoff frequency A lowpass filter attenuates signal energy above a certain frequency
A transformation applied to image data in hopes of improving its compressibility PNG uses only lossless (reversible) filter algorithms
Any porous substance, as cloth, paper, sand, or charcoal, through which water or other liquid may passed to cleanse it from the solid or impure matter held in suspension; a chamber or device containing such substance; a strainer; also, a similar device for purifying air
- A program that reads data (from a file, program output or command line entry) as input, processes it according to a set of predefined conditions (for example, sorted alphabetically) and outputs the processed data Some filtering tools include Perl, Awk, Grep, Sed and Sort
device that removes something from whatever passes through it an electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities
When only a section of the total sample are required to answer the question, e g if the question asks why people are dissatisfied with a particular service, only those who are dissatisfied should answer the question Those who are satisfied will skip to the next question that is to be asked of all respondents
To filter a substance means to pass it through a device which is designed to remove certain particles contained in it. The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food
The best Web server APIs allow the programmer to say "run this little piece of code before [or after] serving files that match a particular URL pattern " Filters that run after a file is served are useful if you want to add extra logging to an application Filters that run before a file is served or a script is run are useful for implementing a security policy in a consistent fashion rather than relying on the authors of individual scripts to insert an authentication check
If light or sound filters into a place, it comes in weakly or slowly, either through a partly covered opening, or from a long distance away. Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree
Refers to: 1) a program that has the function of translating data into a different format (e g , a program used to import or export data or a particular file); 2) a pattern that prevents non-matching data from passing through (e g , mail filters created within Eudora); and 3) in paint programs and image editors, a special effect that can be applied to a bit map
A device that removes undissolved or sus- pended particles from water by recirculating the water through a porous substance (a filter medium or element) The three types of filters used in pools and spas are sand, cartridge and D E (diatomaceous earth)
Any device used to remove unwanted particles or compounds from aquarium water Filters come in a variety of styles, but most fall into three main categories: biological, chemical, or mechanical
1 A piece of colored glass, plastic, or other material that selectively absorbs some of the wavelengths of light passing through it Some filters affect color or tone others can, for example, cut out unwanted reflections, help to reduce haze or be used to create a variety of special effects 2 To use such a filter to modify the wavelengths of light reaching a light-sensitive material
  In electronics, a device that transmits only part of the incident energy and may thereby change the spectral distribution of energy:   (a) high-pass filters transmit energy above a certain frequency; (b) low-pass filters transmit energy below a certain frequency; (c) bandpass filters transmit energy of a certain bandwidth; (d) band-stop filters transmit energy outside a specific frequency band   [JP1]
An electronic circuit that selectively separates a band of signal frequencies, such as a low-pass filter for the separation of the low-frequency components of an audio signal Filters serve as the basic element of equalizers where multiple filter channels permit frequency response tailoring
A rule that stipulates when a security should be bought or sold according to its price action
a circuit or device that selectively sorts frequencies allowing the desired range of frequencies to pass while suppressing others; used to reduce noise and co-channel interference
A filter is a device through which sound or light is passed and which blocks or reduces particular sound or light frequencies. You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon
A traffic filter is a traffic signal or lane which controls the movement of traffic wanting to turn left or right
A device that removes specified frequencies from a signal
device that removes something from whatever passes through it
An object that can transform the header and/or content of a request or response Filters differ from web components in that they usually do not themselves create responses but rather they modify or adapt the requests for a resource, and modify or adapt responses from a resource A filter should not have any dependencies on a web resource for which it is acting as a filter so that it can be composable with more than one type of web resource
{f} pass a liquid or gas through porous material to remove impurities, strain; slowly pass in or out; partially block the passage of; send through a filter
EndNote filters files are used to import reference information from a properly formatted text file into your personal EndNote library As with connection files, every filter exists for a specific database source The imported text file is formatted according to the database source of the reference information Filters can be modified to read, interpret, and import downloaded reference information differently This is how a filter is tailored to an existing database or created for a different database Filters can be found in the Filter folder in the EndNote folder The Notre Dame folder contains further filter files for some of the more popular databases on campus Filters end in the suffix " enf" See also the table of Popular Information Providers for a description on how to import reference data from many different databases
Filters remove unwanted frequency components from signals Some filters preserve low frequencies but remove high frequencies (low pass filters) Others do the opposite (high pass filters) A band pass filter passes selected frequencies while cutting out others (e g You could produce a bandpass filter by doing both lowpass and highpass filtering--as long as you let some frequencies through) Several different filter shapes are available for smoothing images In general, the the center voxel is weighted more heavily in a smoothing operation However, the shapes of the filters vary Blackman filters are relatively leptokurtotic (narrow), Hanning filters are intermediate and Hamming filters are the fattest Gaussian filters are typically lowpass filters, used for smoothing in spm, Cambridge Introduction to Smoothing The width of the Gaussian is sigma (the FWHM)
Filters are devices which clean the water They come in three broad categories: mechanical, chemical, and biological There are many different types of filters, such as
When news or information filters through to people, it gradually reaches them. It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians News of the attack quickly filtered through the college. as indications filter in from polling stations. the horror stories which were beginning to filter out of Germany
To pass through a filter; to percolate
pass through; "Water permeates sand easily"
The noun and the verb, in MIDI, are used primarily in connection with events (note on, program change, tempo change ) and with channel changes Each event is either filtered (deleted), transformed, or passed through
remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"
A process that is applied to data that is sent or received by the server Input filters process data sent by the client to the server, while output filters process documents on the server before they are sent to the client For examle, the INCLUDES output filter processes documents for Server Side Includes See: Filters
A filter is a device through which a substance is passed when it is being filtered. a paper coffee filter
{i} something which separates, leach; program which receives output from another program and changes its format (Computers); file which allows a program to save and load files of a certain file type (Computers)
(1) A device for eliminating selected frequencies from the sound spectrum of a signal and perhaps (in the case of a resonant filter) increasing the level of other frequencies See lowpass filter (2) A device (MIDI filter) that eliminates selected messages from the MIDI data stream
filter bank
An array of band-pass filters that separates the input signal into multiple components, each one carrying a single frequency subband of the original signal
filter down
Of information, or resources; to move slowly down to lower levels of an organisation, or population

They might say that the economy is improving, but it is taking a long time for any money to filter down to the poorer classes.

filter down
Of a liquid; to move slowly down to lower substrate levels
filter feeder
Any aquatic animal that obtains nourishment by filtering particles of food from the water in which it lives
filter funnel
a glass funnel, into which is placed filter paper or other material, through which a liquid / solid mixture is poured in order to separate them
filter funnels
plural form of filter funnel
filter lane
A lane of traffic reserved for those making a specific turn at the next junction
filter lanes
plural form of filter lane
filter out
To selectively remove part of something

The sieve will filter out large rocks and grains of sand.

filter paper
porous paper used for filtration
Any marine or freshwater animal that derives nutrition from the surrounding water by setting up its own current so that the water passes through a filter-like structure, trapping organic particles
filter bed
A layer of sand or gravel on the bottom of a reservoir or tank, used to filter water or sewage
filter bed
filter consisting of a layer of sand or gravel for filtering water
filter cake
the buildup of particles on the surface of filter medium Filter cake can improve the removal performance of a filter, but it also leads to increased pressure drop and reduced fluid flow
filter cake
The accumulation of dust on a bag Often assists in the filtration process Also see Cake
filter cake
Solids from the drilling mud deposited on the borehole wall as the water phase is lost into the formation
filter cake
A plastic-like coating that builds up inside the borehole Such buildup can cause serious drilling problems, including sticking of the drillpipe
filter cake
The accumulated particles on a filter surface, usually from a slurry mixture (made up of a pre-coat media, such as D E )
filter cake
The layer of solids that is retained on the surface of a filter
filter cake
The combined layers of solids, precoat, and debris removed in the filtration process and accumulated on the surface of the filter medium
filter cake
Retained solids and filter media on the filter element
filter coffee
coffee prepared by passage through a filter
filter feeder
An aquatic animal, such as a clam, barnacle, or sponge, that feeds by filtering particulate organic material from water
filter out
To filter out something from a substance or from light means to remove it by passing the substance or light through something acting as a filter. Children should have glasses which filter out UV rays Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen
filter out
remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"
filter paper
paper used by chemists for filtering
filter paper
Porous paper suitable for use as a filter
filter paper
a porous unsized paper used for filtering
filter press
press used to extract water from slip
filter press
A dewatering device where sludge is pumped onto a filtering medium and water is forced out of the sludge, resulting in a "cake"
filter press
A device for filtering and absorbing moisture from oil Liquid is force-circulated through absorbent filter pads
filter tip
A filter tip is a small device at the end of a cigarette that reduces the amount of dangerous substances that pass into the smoker's body. Filter tips are cigarettes that are manufactured with these devices. a filter at one end of a cigarette that removes some of the harmful substances from the smoke
filter tip
an air filter on the end of a cigarette; contains material that filters the smoke
filter tipped
cigarette with a filter attached
Process that occurs during crystallization of certain igneous rocks, in which liquid is separated from the crystals by pressure. As the crystals grow and accumulate in magma, a crystal mesh may be formed. Pressure applied by the weight of crystals above or by outside forces may force the more mobile liquid out of the mesh and also may fracture or crush the remaining crystals. Filter-pressing has been used to explain the formation of rocks consisting of only one kind of mineral
of a cigar or cigarette; having a tip designed to filter the smoke; "filter-tipped cigarettes
filter-tipped cigarette
a cigarette with a filter tip
LMS filter
least mean squares filter
Ormsby filter
A filter of trapezoidal shape specified by four corner frequencies, f 1, f 2, f 3, f 4. The filter rejects below f 2 and above f 3, is linear from f 1 to f 2 and from f 3 to f 4, and flat from f 2 to f3
air filter
A filter for removing dust and other particles from a stream of air, typically used in the air intake of an internal combustion engine, the output of an air compressor, the supply duct of a forced-air furnace, etc
bogon filter
An imaginary device capable of preventing high-bogosity material from reaching its destination
bogon filter
Any device that limits or suppresses the flow of bogons
glare filter
A transparent sheet (of glass or plastic, usually) placed over a monitor to reduce glare
interference filter
an optical filter in which the wavelengths that are not transmitted are removed by interference rather than by absorption or scattering
a filter
low-pass filter
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A low-pass filter is a filter that passes low frequency signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter. It is sometimes called a high-cut filter, or treble cut filter when used in audio applications
Kalman filter
(Ticaret) A filtering algorithm for a time series of imprecise linear or non-linear data that incorporates a statistical model in analyzing error
air filter
This filter sits inside the air cleaner to remove large particles from the air before entering your engine
air filter
Mechanism for cleaning air of contaminants such as water, oil, and solid matter
air filter
A filter that removes dust and dirt from entering your engine
air filter
A device for removing particulate material from an airstream
air filter
a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it
air filter
This device filters the air that goes into your engine Without an air filter, harmful particles would enter your car's engine and cause internal wear and damage
bag filter
a fabric bag through which a gas stream is passed for the removal of particulate matter (044)
bag filter
A unit within a mechanical system that bellows in a bag form when air flows through, cleaning the air by collecting particles of foreign matter This system of filtering is rated the most efficient- in a range of 92 to 95 percent
band pass filter
The filtering of sound within specified frequency limits or frequency bands The audible frequency range is often subdivided into octave, one-third octave or other fractions of octave bands
band pass filter
A crossover circuit that combines a low pass and high pass filter to create a passband
band pass filter
A device that only passes signals within a specific range of frequencies
band pass filter
A type of filter that allows only the band of frequencies surrounding the cutoff frequency to pass through unaffected
band pass filter
A filter which passes only signal frequencies within a specified, continuous band, and predictably attenuates frequencies above and below the continuous band
band pass filter
A filter that allows a specific frequency range to pass, while blocking lower and higher frequencies
band pass filter
A wave filter with a single transmission band with a low cut off point and a high cut off point
band pass filter
- A crossover circuit that combines a low pass and high pass filter to create a passband
band-pass filter
A wave filter that has a single transmission band extending from a lower cutoff frequency greater than zero to a finite upper cutoff frequency
band-pass filter
An electric circuit designed to pass only middle frequencies
band-pass filter
Full Name: Description: A filter that passes signals that are between an upper and a lower frequency boundaries
band-pass filter
A wave filter that has a single transmission band extending from a lower cut-off frequency greater than zero to a finite upper cut-off frequency
band-pass filter
an electric circuit designed to pass only a certain range of frequencies See also High-pass and Low-pass filters
bozo filter
(Internet) program that filters and removes unwanted messages on the Internet
centrifugal filter
A filter, as for sugar, in which a cylinder with a porous or foraminous periphery is rapidly rotated so as to drive off liquid by centrifugal action
color filter
A photographic filter made of colored glass that modifies the light striking the film by selectively absorbing colors. It is used when taking photographs through haze
fabric filter
cloth apparatus used to catch dust particles from industrial emissions
{s} strained, having impurities removed
Passed through a filter to remove tiny particles that might make a beverage cloudy or apt to go bad
past of filter
Pertains to constituents in a water sample passed through a filter membrane of specified pore diameter, most commonly 0 45 µm or less for inorganic analytes and 0 7 µm for organic analytes
Wines that have had suspended particulates resulting from the fermentation process removed Important for future clarity and stability of a wine
{s} percolated
Sorting through large volumes of information and presenting to the user those which are likely to satisfy his or her information requirement [source]
Attenuates components of a signal that are undesired: reduces noise errors in a signal
the removal of spatial or spectral features for data enhancement Convolution filtering is one method of spatial filtering Some texts may use the terms "filtering" and "spatial filtering" synonymously
In LAN technology, discarding packets that do not meet the criteria for forwarding
the soil's ability to attenuate substances which includes retaining chemicals or dissolved substances on the soil particle surface, transforming chemicals through microbial biological processing, retarding movement, as well as capturing solid particles
A process for screening network traffic for certain characteristics, such as source address, destination address, or protocol, and determining whether to forward or discard that traffic based on the established criteria
Bridges and switches can reduce the level of congestion on a LAN through the process of filtering A filtering bridge or switch forwards a packet from one LAN segment to another only as required Packets that are not forwarded by a bridge or switch are said to be "filtered"
The process of clarifying pure maple syrup Raw syrup contains various suspended particles (called "sugar sand") brought out in the boiling process In earlier days, these particles were "settled out" in bulk containers before retail packaging Today we filter through cloth and paper membranes, producing crystal clear syrup
mathematical operation to attenuate unwanted frequencies in a signal which can be identified by spectral analysis Applied in the time domain by convolution, or in the wavenumber domain by multiplication back
The process of removing particles from wine after fermentation Most wines unless otherwise labeled are filtered for both clarity and stability
present participle of filter
{i} act of passing a liquid or gas through porous material to remove impurities; act of slowly passing in or out; sending through a filter
The process of removing undesired components on a signal while allowing the desired components to pass A power line filter purifies the AC power entering the equipment by attenuating the high-frequency (typically 150kHz and up) RFI, while passing the low frequency (typically 50Hz) AC power waveform This is called low-pass filtering
A procedure to remove particles from an ink- These particles could plug one or more of the orifices in a print head
An automatic method of screening e-mail messages as they are downloaded from the Internet An e-mail client can be instructed to deposit (file or trash) qualifying e-mail messages in various folders as they are received A filter can look at keywords, addresses, domains, subject matter, size, etc
The process of removing particles from wine after fermentation Most wines unless otherwise labelled are filtered for both clarity and stability
The process that a switch or a bridge uses to examine an Ethernet packet and either pass it to the other side of the network or isolate it from the rest of the network
Process whereby an Ethernet switch or bridge reads the contents of a packet and then finds that the packet does not need to be forwarded, drops it a filtering rate is the rate at which a device can receive packets and drop them without any loss of incoming packets or delay in processing
A technique for masking off or removing segments of the query sequence that are repeated or have low compositional complexity, in order to improve the sensitivity of sequence similarity searches performed with that sequence Filtering can eliminate statistically significant but biologically uninteresting reports from the BLAST® output (e g , hits against common acidic-, basic- or proline-rich regions), leaving the more biologically interesting regions of the query sequence available for specific matching against database sequences Filtering is applied to the query sequence (or its translation products) only, not to database sequences
Attenuation of certain frequency components of a seismic signal and the amplification of others For a recorded signal, the process can be accomplished electronically or numerically in a digital computer Filtering also occurs naturally as seismic energy passes through the Earth First motion On a seismogram, the direction of ground motion as the P wave arrives at the seismometer Upward ground motion indicates an expansion in the source region; downward motion indicates a contraction Focal depth A term that refers to the depth of an earthquake focus
Filtering is the process by which particular source or destination addresses can be prevented from crossing a bridge or router onto another portion of the network
The process by which unwanted material is prevented from reaching your computer screen This may take the form of software that excludes certain words, or more sophisticated systems which block access to certain sites based on a rating system, or review by a filtering software manufacturer or reviewing body
Process of the clarification of the wine before the bottling, in order to clean particles in suspension
Filtering is the immediate analysis by a program of a user request to determine which ad(s) to return in the requested page A Web page request can tell a Web site or its ad server whether it fits a certain characteristic such as coming from a particular company's address or that the user is using a particular level of browser The Web ad server can respond accordingly
The process of removing particles from wine after fermentation
A specialised technique used by some AFIS vendors Filtering is the process of classifying finger images according to data which is unrelated to the finger image itself This may involve filtering by sex, age, hair colour or other distinguishing factors
A method by which incoming electronic mail can be redirected to locations other than your inbox
A program or set of features within a program that reads its standard or designated input, transforms the input in some way, then writes the output to a designated destination See the Windows DDK
alllow modification of the harmonic spectrum
Filters are the background processes that occur throughout the communication process
Glass or metal accessory used to alter beam patterns
devices used to change the natural quality of sound, light or colour in filming a scene
Programs that scan data for patterns -- like keywords, zip codes, or other patterns -- and sorts or deletes the data according to rules Filters are available in most current e-mail management software applications These enable you to define patterns for the software to look for and rules for what to do with different patterns, like sort them into folders or delete them from the incoming e-mail box Back to top
Tools that allow you to apply effects to your images These range from conventional options such as Sharpen, which are intended to improve the quality of an image, to more artistic special effects such as Emboss or Mosaic
A means of narrowing the scope of a report or view by specifying ranges or types of data to include in or exclude [Back to The Top]
A means of narrowing the scope of a report or view by specifying ranges or types of data to include in or exclude
third-person singular of filter
Mechanical devices employing a vacuum used to recover wet process phosphoric acid from the gypsum slurry
Also known as rules, filters can be used to manage incoming and stored mail Software that supports filters lets you create rules that perform actions, such as automatically routing messages to various folders based on the sender's address, sending prewritten replies to certain people, or deleting messages that include specific subject lines
Any transparent accessory added to the light path that alters the character of the passing light With film, filters can alter contrast, color rendition, or the character of the light itself (diffusion, diffraction, etc ) In printing, variable contrast filters are used to evoke different contrast grades from variable contrast black and white paper In computer imaging software, a set of instructions that shape or alter the image information
plural of filter
Non-conducting components cabled with the insulated conductors, to impart roundness, flexibility tensile strength, or a combination of all three, to the cable
Software used to modify digital images by altering the values or arrangement of selected image pixels
A filter is a tool with which you can manipulate and group your database records to "filter" out those records which meet specific criteria, which you name This is useful in tasks such as creating group pages, or in viewing or editing specific records (rather than having to scroll through your entire database to find the records you want ) Provider Plus Web allows you to easily create several different kinds of simple filters It also will allow an advanced user (one who can program in FoxPro, Clipper, C++) to build complex filters Tip: Don't press the <Advanced> button unless you know basic programming You may just fall asleep at the computer, and you have work to do! You can create, modify, or select a filter either by selecting Database from the drop-down File menu, or by clicking on <Filter> in the Products window See also: Index in this glossary
An optical attachment screwed onto the front of the lens, which in some way alters the exposure or an internal optical adjustment 1 Filter attachments: we have two filters that screw onto the Kinoflex lens The neutral density filter reduces the level of light entering the lens and should be used whenever shooting outdoors under bright light A yellow filter increases contrast levels with black and white film 2 Internally, a daylight filter is put in place by rotating the filter switch so the light bulb symbol faces the red dot The daylight filter should always be in place when shooting color film under tungsten light
links to selection of appropriate fields, records or data
includes or excludes documents from the document list by the file's path, name and/or date
A filter is a program or section of code that is designed to examine each input or output request for certain qualifying criteria and then process or forward it accordingly This term was used in UNIX systems and is now used in other operating systems A filter is "pass-through" code that takes input data, makes some specific decision about it and possible transformation of it, and passes it on to another program in a kind of pipeline Usually, a filter does no input/output operation on its own Filters are sometimes used to remove or insert headers or control characters in data
A way of sorting and categorizing incoming e-mail An example would be routing all mail from a particular source to its own folder
Filters automatically move incoming emails into separate folders according to criteria that you specify These criteria may be based on who the email is from, the priority, the subject, the main message, etc This is a useful feature if you have a lot of incoming emails that need some way of being automatically organized
A means of narrowing the scope of information by specifying ranges or types of data to be excluded or included when downloading from the internet
A means of narrowing the scope of a report or view by specifying ranges or types of data to include or exclude
Normally a sand or carbon filter which trap particles carried in the water
A filter is a circuit that ideally amplifies and attenuates different frequency components of a sound, thus changing its timbre and resonant qualities Digital audio filters are difficult to design because the standard algorithms are particularly subject to distortion
fuel filter
a filter in the fuel line that screens out dirt and rust particles from the fuel
fuel filter
(Otomotiv) A small device that usually sits along the gas line that removes impurities from the fuel before it gets to the fuel injection system or carburetor
light filter
a transparent filter that reduces the light (or some wavelengths of the light) passing through it
low pass filter
(Inductor or Choke) Allows more signal to pass through the lower the signal gets - ideal for a sub
low pass filter
In data or signal analysis, a filter that passes frequencies below some cutoff frequency while attenuating higher frequencies
low pass filter
- An electric circuit designed to pass only low frequencies Used with subwoofers
low pass filter
An electronic network for passing low and attenuating high frequencies Many plug-in types are available for Kistler charge amplifiers and couplers
low pass filter
A circuit that discriminates between high and low frequencies and allows only the low frequencies to pass
low pass filter
A low pass filter is used to filter out higher frequencies in a sound so that only the lower frequencies can be heard The point above which the frequencies are filtered out is known as the cutoff frequency
low pass filter
A filter that allows lower frequency signals to pass while blocking high frequency signals
low pass filter
A device that blocks signals above a specific frequency while allowing signals below that frequency to pass
low pass filter
This filter passes all frequencies below and rejects all frequencies above a specified CORNER FREQUENCY
low pass filter
A circuit that passes signals below a specified frequency and attenuates those above it
low pass filter
A filter that allows frequencies below a cut-off frequency to pass while attenuating frequencies above the cutoff frequency
low pass filter
A circuit that passes low frequencies and reduces the amplitude of high frequencies above it at a fixed rate   For instance, when one sets the low pass filter control on a subwoofer to 80 Hz, the audio signal below that frequency is passed on to the subwoofer driver unaltered, while the portion of the signal above 80 Hz is attenuated   If the filter uses the standard 12 dB per octave attenuation, the signal level at 160 Hz will be lower by 12 dB and at 320 Hz, by 24 dB As with high pass filters, low pass filters can be designed to act anywhere in the audio frequency range
message filter
(Ticaret) A function in planning systems that suppresses the generation of an exception message based on a date, quantity, dollar or other parameter in order to reduce the overall message volume and focus on those with higher severity levels. For example, the filter might indicate that unless a production order needs to be rescheduled in by at least three days, the message is not generated
oil filter
device which cleans dirt and dust from oil
oil filter
A metal, can-shaped device that cleans the motor oil as it passes through the filter
oil filter
a filter that removes impurities from the oil used to lubricate an internal-combustion engine
oil filter
A can-like device that screws onto the outside of the crankcase and cleans the oil as it circulates through the lubrication system Oil filters should be replaced at least every other oil change
water filter
a filter to remove impurities from the water supply
Turkish - English

Definition of filter in Turkish English dictionary

tasfiye aygıtı water conditioner, water filter, or water softener
(a machine)