Definition of far field in English English dictionary
The electromagnetic field which exists at a distance of several wavelengths from the source of radiation
A regime in which the distances to objects of remote sensing is much larger than the size of the device doing the remote sensing, allowing a simplification of the mathematics involved through approximation In a sonar, far field approximations are valid if the ocean depth is much larger that the size of the sonar
Pertains to that range of listening distances in which the predominant sounds reaching the ears are reflections from room boundaries The opposite of "Near Field"
The region of an electromagnetic radiation field at a distance from the antenna in which the field distribution is unaffected by the antenna structure and the wave propagates as a plane wave Compare Near Field
The area of a 3D scene that is far from the camera 3D objects in this area will be smaller and details will be harder to resolve
Composed of the host formation and the aquifers that surround it FBFC International Franco-Belge de Fabrication de Combustibles International, French-Belgian nuclear fuel manufacturer, Dessel, Belgium
Of or pertaining to the far field, the region sufficiently distant from a radio antenna for angular field distribution to be independent of distance