für die jahreszeit ungewöhnlich

listen to the pronunciation of für die jahreszeit ungewöhnlich
German - English
Not in accordance with the season

The snow in April was unseasonable.

{a} untimely, unfit, late
unpleasant (especially regarding weather)
not in keeping with (and usually undesirable for) the season; "a sudden unseasonable blizzard"; "unseasonable bright blue weather in November
not in keeping with (and usually undesirable for) the season; "a sudden unseasonable blizzard"; "unseasonable bright blue weather in November"
Not seasonable; being, done, or occurring out of the proper season; ill-timed; untimely; too early or too late; as, he called at an unseasonable hour; unseasonable advice; unseasonable frosts; unseasonable food
{s} untimely, not in season
badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was the wrong moment for a joke"
für die jahreszeit ungewöhnlich