für alle fälle

listen to the pronunciation of für alle fälle
English - Turkish

Definition of für alle fälle in English Turkish dictionary

just in case
ne olur ne olmaz
just in case
Her ihtimale karşı

Her ihtimale karşı bir film çekelim. - Let's take an X-ray just in case.

Her ihtimale karşı yiyecek bir şey al. - Have something to eat just in case.

just in case
Olur ya belki

Just in case you were wondering .

German - English
just in case
In the event; should there be a need

Throughout 1782 and most of 1783 there was a mixture of defacto peace but preparedness for war just in case it should be resumed, a sort of cold war.

if and only if
if there happens to be need; "in case of trouble call 911"; "I have money, just in case"
just to be safe, for the sake of it, in the event that -
Mann/Mädchen für alle Fälle
Mann/Mädchen für alle Fälle
man Friday / girl Friday (old-fashioned)
für alle fälle