
listen to the pronunciation of explosive.
English - Turkish

Patlayıcılar bir çöp kutusunun içine saklanmıştı. - The explosives were hidden in a trash bin.

Onların patlayıcıları var. - They have explosives.

(Askeri) tahrip maddesi
(Askeri) tahrip cephanesi
(Askeri) İNFİLAK MADDESİ, PATLAYICI MADDE, TAHRİP MADDESİ, TAHRİP CEPHANESİ: Hararet, sadme, sürtünme veya diğer bir tesire maruz kaldığı zaman, süratle kimyasal bir değişmeye tabi olarak, tamamen veya kısmen, eski durumdan çok daha hacimli ve müstekar gazlar meydana getiren madde. İnfilak maddeleri, kimyasal değişme hızına göre, (high explosive) ve (heavy explosive) olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır
infilak maddesi
high explosive yüksek patlamalı madde
{i} patlayıcı madde

Patlayıcı madde imha ünitesi patlamamış bombayı güvenli bir şekilde imha etti. - The explosive ordnance disposal unit safely disposed of the unexploded bomb.

{s} patlamaya ait
{s} tartışmalı
{s} çileden çıkaran
{s} hakkında şiddetli tartışmalar yapılan (konu), şiddetli tartışmalara yol açabilen (konu)
(isim) patlayıcı madde
{s} patlamaya hazır
explosively patlayarak
{s} patlama
{s} birden gelişen
{s} patlayan
{s} patlayıcı
{s} ateş püsküren
English - English
Easily driven to anger, usually with reference to a person

He has an explosive personality.

[[#Adjective|Explosive]] substance
pertaining to a sudden and violent outbreak
{a} driving out with great noise
[See Guide to Pronunciation, √ 155-7, 184
A chemical compound or mixture of compounds which suddenly undergoes a very rapid chemical transformation, with the simultaneous production of large quantities of heat and gases
An explosive situation is likely to have difficult, serious, or dangerous effects. He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring. + explosively ex·plo·sive·ly A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign
Material that produces a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to abrupt shock, pressure, or high temperature
Easily driven to anger, usu. with reference to a person (e.g. He has an explosive personality.)
A material that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure, or high temperature
Explosive substance
A sudden loud noise can be described as explosive. He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust. an explosive drumbeat. + explosively ex·plo·sive·ly The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud. a substance that can cause an explosion plastic explosive. Any substance or device that can produce a volume of rapidly expanding gas in an extremely brief period. Mechanical explosives, which depend on a physical reaction (e.g., overloading a container with compressed air until it bursts), are little used except in mining. Nuclear explosives (see nuclear weapon) use either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Chemical explosives are of two types: detonating (high) explosives (e.g., TNT, dynamite) have extremely rapid decomposition and development of high pressure; deflagrating (low) explosives (e.g., black powder, smokeless powder; see gunpowder) merely burn quickly and produce relatively low pressure. Primary detonating explosives are ignited by a flame, a spark, or an impact; secondary ones require a detonator and sometimes a booster. Modern high explosives use either mixtures of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil or ammonium nitrate-based water gels
] a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst; "an explosive device"; "explosive gas"; "explosive force"; "explosive violence"; "an explosive temper"
A chemical that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas and heat, when subjected to sudden shock, pressure, or high temperature
Driving or bursting out with violence and noise; causing explosion; as, the explosive force of gunpowder
liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation
If you describe someone as explosive, you mean that they tend to express sudden violent anger. He's inherited his father's explosive temper. = fiery + explosively ex·plo·sive·ly `Are you mad?' David asked explosively
a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
With the capability to, or likely to, explode
Any substance (TNT, etc ) that, through chemical reaction, detonates or violently changes to gas with accompanying heat and pressure Smokeless powder, by comparison, deflagrates (burns relatively slowly) and depends on its confinement in a gun's cartridge case and chamber for its potential as a propellant to be realized
A chemical that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure or high temperature
An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a rapid chemical reaction, as gunpowder, or nitro-glycerine
any chemical compound or mixture whose primary function is to produce an explosion
A chemical or compound that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release or pressure, gas, heat and light when subjected to sudden shock, pressure, high temperature or applied potential
A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath; (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice
Something that is explosive is capable of causing an explosion. The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour + explosively ex·plo·sive·ly Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen
Pokémon that tend to explode Skills: Destiny Bond
{s} loaded with combustible material, liable to blow up
means any bomb, grenade, missile, or other dangerous device designed to expand suddenly and release internal energy resulting in an explosion
An explosive growth is a sudden, rapid increase in the size or quantity of something. The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation. + explosively ex·plo·sive·ly These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s
tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst; "an explosive device"; "explosive gas"; "explosive force"; "explosive violence"; "an explosive temper"
sudden and loud; "an explosive laugh"
A chemical that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure, or high temperature
Having the character of an explosion
A chemical that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure or high temperature
Any rapidly combustive or expanding substance The energy released during this rapid combustion or expansion can be used to break rock
An explosive is a substance or device that can cause an explosion. one-hundred-and-fifty pounds of Semtex explosive
{i} chemical compound that when ignited produces a strong blast of energy, substance used to create an explosion
liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"




    ... need technical engineering skills in order to build explosive devices ...