expense accounts

listen to the pronunciation of expense accounts
English - Turkish
gider hesapları
(Ticaret) gider vergileri
expense account
masraf hesabı
expense account
gider hesabı
English - English

Definition of expense accounts in English English dictionary

expense account
An arrangement whereby an employee is reimbursed for work-related expenses
expense account
A bank account which employees may make withdrawals from for work-related purposes
expense account
An expense account is an arrangement between an employer and an employee which allows the employee to spend the company's money on things relating to their job, for example travelling or looking after clients. He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account. expense account lunches. An account of expenses for repayment to an employee. money that is available to someone who works for a company so that they can pay for meals, hotels etc when travelling or entertaining people for work
expense account
an account to which salespersons or executives can charge travel and entertainment expenses
expense account
account or list of expenses incurred in doing business outside of the office, account of expenses reimbursable to an employee
expense accounts


    ex·pense accounts

    Turkish pronunciation

    îkspens ıkaunts


    /əkˈspens əˈkounts/ /ɪkˈspɛns əˈkaʊnts/