(Askeri) İstihbarat Toplum İlişkileri İcra Başkanı (Birleşik Devletler (US) hükümeti (USG))
English - English
Definition of executive director in English English dictionary
A professional staff member responsible for the total management and administration of Council operations The E D attends Board of Directors meetings and is accountable to the Board
The Executive Director is Judy Hallman (judy_hallman@unc edu), UNC-CH Information Technology Services, 118 Abernethy, CB# 3420, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3420, 919-962-5277, FAX 919-962-5334
a person employed by a non-profit organization to oversee operations and management and implement the policy decisions of the Board of Directors
17 In a managed care plan, individual responsible for all operational aspects of the plan All other officers and key managers report to this person, who in turn reports to the board of directors