
listen to the pronunciation of esf
English - Turkish
(Askeri) Ekonomik Destek Fonu; acil durum destek işlevi (Economic Support Fund; emergency support function)
English - English
European Science Foundation
European Students Forum
European Science Foundation, made up of over 60 research funders in wider Europe The ESF does not fund research itself, but provides a forum to facilitate scientific and policy interchanges and joint actions between research councils where appropriate Current president is Sir Dai Rees
(extended superframe format) A framing format that extends DS1 framing from 12 to 24 frames so that an 8-kbps F-bit pattern can be used for three separate functions: framing, cyclic redundancy check, and a data link
Extended Service Frame
A TI framing format that utilized the 193rd bit as a framing bit, but with a superframe made up of 24 frames instead of 12 (as in a D4 format) ESF also provides CRC error detection and maintenance data link functions
Extended superframe format A T1 multiframe format that has 24 basic frames in the multiframe, and supports multiframe CRC and a Data Link
Extended Superframe: A DS1 framing format in which 24 DS0 times lots plus a coded framing bit are organized into a frame which is repeated 24 times to form a superframe
Emergency Support Function
Extended Superframe Format A network control and framing method used by common carriers which incorporates control and information data in the transmitted bit stream When connecting networks and equipment, it is important that the equipment and the network both support the same appropriate protocols
European Social Funding
A DS1 framing format in which the 193rd bit of the bit stream is a shared bit This means there are 24 framing bits The 193rd bit follows a 24-frame sequence instead of 12 (as in D4 superframe) This is the same as using an 8K-bit data channel to frame the signal and identify which frames carry signaling information
  Abbreviation for extended superframe
– Extended Superframe Format An AT&T proposed T1 framing standard that provides frame synchronization, cystic redundancy checking, and data link bits: frames consist of 24 bits instead of the previous standard 12 bits: the standard allows error information to be stored and retrieved easily, facilitating network performance monitoring and maintenance
Extended Superframe A framing type that is used on T1 circuits that consists of 24 frames of 192 bits each, with the 193rd bit providing timing and other functions
Extended Superframe A framing format for T1 applications that consists of twenty four frames of 192 bits each with the 193rd bit providing timing and other functions It includes provisions for continuous monitoring by both the user and the telephone company central office ESF provides a 4 Kbps link control channel (transparent to user data) which allows the telephone company to monitor the local loop, transmit and receive test messages and retrieve performance data, all without interrupting normal operations
Extended Superframe Format
European Social Fund
extended superframe
Extended Super Frame A T1 framing format
Eureka Software Factory