Containing error; not conformed to truth or justice; incorrect; false; mistaken; as, an erroneous doctrine; erroneous opinion, observation, deduction, view, etc
Beliefs, opinions, or methods that are erroneous are incorrect or only partly correct. Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood They have arrived at some erroneous conclusions. + erroneously er·ro·neous·ly It had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence. erroneous ideas or information are wrong and based on facts that are not correct (erroneus, from errare; ERR)
Erroneous (î-ro´nê-es) adjective 1 Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural 2 Misleading; misled; mistaking 3 Containing error; not conformed to truth or justice; incorrect; false; mistaken; as, an doctrine; erroneous opinion, observation, deduction, view, etc
[ i-'rO-nE-&s, e-'rO- ] (adjective.) 15th century. Middle English, from Latin erroneus, from erron-, erro wanderer, from errare.