(a) Pertaining to the wind; esp said of such deposits as loess and dune sand, of sedimentary structures such as wind-formed ripple marks, or of erosion and deposition accomplished by the wind (b) Said of the active phase of a dune cycle, marked by diminished vegetal control and increased dune growth
Pertaining to the wind; especially said of such deposits as loess and dune sand, of sedimentary structures such as wind-formed ripple marks, or of erosion and deposition accomplished by the wind
(wind) Of, relating to, formed by, or deposited b the wind or air currents (Syn: Aeolian) F - eolien, eolienne S - eolico
(Also spelled eolian ) Pertaining to the action or the effect of the wind, as in aeolian sounds or aeolian deposits (of dust); derived from the name of the Greek god of the winds, Aeolus, whose harp was held responsible for the murmur of the gentle breezes and whose conch-shell trumpet was regarded as the source of the gale's howl
A mode that cooresponds to the half and whole step patterns created when playing A to A on the white keys of the piano It is the same as the natural minor scale See Music Theory section of this website, Lesson 1-2, "Minor Scales"