entry (into)

listen to the pronunciation of entry (into)
English - Turkish

Definition of entry (into) in English Turkish dictionary

after the entry into force
(Avrupa Birliği) yürürlüğe girmesinden itibaren
entry into force
yürürlüğe girmek
initial entry into military service
(Askeri) ASKERİ HİZMETE İLK GİRİŞ: ABD Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin herhangi bir kuvvetinde tayini gönüllü veya celp yoluyla askere almayla ilk defa askeri statüye (faal görev veya ihtiyat) giriş. Tayin; subay veya astsubay; Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Harp okullarına askeri öğrenci veya deniz subay adayı olarak giriş veya sivil bir kuruluşta ABD Deniz İhtiyat Subayları Eğitim Sınıfı eğitimi için deniz subay adayı; ABD Deniz İhtiyatı olarak olabilir
English - English

Definition of entry (into) in English English dictionary

entry into force
The moment at which all provisions of a treaty are legally binding on its parties Every treaty specifies preconditions for its entry into force The NPT specified that it would enter into force after the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union (the Depository governments) and forty other countries ratify the Treaty, an event which occurred on March 5, 1970
entry into force
Multilateral agreements are usually not legally binding until they have been ratified by a certain number of countries The UNCCD required 50 ratifications and entered into force on 26 December 1996 Equally the Convention states, that it will enter into force for a given Party 90 days after this Party has deposited its instrument of Ratification or Accession
entry into force
protocols and amendments are not legally binding until they have been ratified by an agreed number of countries The Framework Convention on Climate Change, for example, required 50 and entered into force for each party 90 days after that party ratified The Kyoto Protocol includes what is called a "double trigger": the Protocol will enter into force once 55 countries accounting for at least 55% of developed countries' current greenhouse gas emissions have ratified the Protocol
entry into force
A treaty or convention comes into force when a sufficient number of states have expressed their consent to be bound by the treaty Once in force, the treaty or convention has a legal existence both in the international legal system and in the legal systems of states parties
entry into force
The treaty comes into force when a sufficient number of States have expressed their consent to be bound by the treaty Then, the treaty has a legal existence in the international legal system and in the legal systems of States Parties
entry into force
Intergovernmental agreements, including protocols and amendments, are not legally binding until they have been ratified by a certain number of countries; the Climate Change Convention required 50 and enters into force for each new Party 90 days after it ratifies
entry into force
The moment at which all provisions of a treaty are legally binding on its parties Every treaty specifies preconditions for its entry into force For example, the NPT specified that it would enter into force after the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union (the Depository governments) and 40 other countries ratified the Treaty, an event that occurred on March 5, 1970
entry into running accounts
recording an accounting transaction
entry (into)


    en·try (into)


    ... the does it was built during the six entry into the reign of emperor just ...
    ... and some believe that those contributed to the tragic errors of America’s entry into ...