entrepreneurial strategies as distinct from their managerial implementation

listen to the pronunciation of entrepreneurial strategies as distinct from their managerial implementation
English - German
Unternehmensstrategien, die man von ihrer betrieblichen Umsetzung trennen muss
entrepreneurial strategies as distinct from their managerial implementation


    en·tre·pre·neu·ri·al strategies as dis·tinct from their man·a·ge·ri·al im·ple·men·ta·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    äntrıprınıriıl strätıciz äz dîstîngkt fırm dher mänîcîriıl împlımenteyşın


    /ˌäntrəprəˈnərēəl ˈstratəʤēz ˈaz dəˈstəɴɢkt fərm ˈᴛʜer ˌmanəˈʤərēəl ˌəmpləmenˈtāsʜən/ /ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜriːəl ˈstrætəʤiːz ˈæz dɪˈstɪŋkt fɜrm ˈðɛr ˌmænɪˈʤɪriːəl ˌɪmpləmɛnˈteɪʃən/