entering into

listen to the pronunciation of entering into
English - Turkish
enter into

Araştırmacılar evrenin farklı bir bölümüne girmek için kapı kullanırlar. - The researchers use the portal to enter into a different part of the universe.

enter into
-e girişmek
enter into
giriş yapmak
enter into
giriş yap
enter into
enter into
enter into
yer almak
enter into
-e başlamak, -e girişmek
enter into
{f} duygularına katılmak
enter into
{f} girişmek
enter into
{f} kaydolmak
enter into
{f} rol oynamak
enter into
-e başlamak, -e girişmek. enter into an agreement anlaşmaya girmek
English - English

Definition of entering into in English English dictionary

entering into an alliance
making a treaty or pact, forming a partnership, teaming up, joining forces
enter into
To be relevant; to be a contributing factor

He did the crime and will go to jail - the fact that he did not know it was illegal does not enter into it.

enter into
To engage in a formal process

The country entered into peace talks with the militants.

enter into
To become legally committed to

One must be of legal age to enter into a contract.

enter into
If you enter into something such as an agreement, discussion, or relationship, you become involved in it. You can also say that two people enter into something. I have not entered into any financial agreements with them The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border No correspondence will be entered into
enter into
{f} go into; take part in; get involved in something in an active manner; sign up for
enter into
If one thing enters into another, it is a factor in it. There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration
entering into


    entering in·to

    Turkish pronunciation

    entırîng întı


    /ˈentərəɴɢ əntə/ /ˈɛntɜrɪŋ ɪntə/


    ... Europeans, all who are entering into a labor force and are ...