I fled, but he pursu'd (though more, it seems, / Inflam'd with lust then rage) and swifter far, / Me overtook his mother all dismaid, / And in embraces forcible and foule / Ingendring with me, of that rape begot / These yelling Monsters .
Like all interesting literary figures, he is full of tacit as well as of uttered reference to the conditions that engendered him .
O Error soone conceyu'd, / Thou neuer com'st vnto a happy byrth, / But kil'st the Mother that engendred thee.
Manufacturing is not simply about brute or emergency economics. It's also about a sense of involvement and achievement engendered by shaping and crafting useful, interesting, well-designed things.
I focus on the efforts of feminist critics of science to examine the engendered origins and implications of scientific rationality and modern epistemology.