(Askeri) OTOMATİK SIKMA HAREKETİ, OTOMATİK SIKMALI: Eksantrik vasıtasıyla harekete getirilen fren pabuçlarının dönen kampana ile tespit pimi arasına bir kama gibi sıkışarak fren gücünü otomatik olarak artırması
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Definition of energizing in English English dictionary
supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H O Taylor
en·er·gize energizes energizing energized in BRIT, also use energise To energize someone means to give them the enthusiasm and determination to do something. He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation I am completely energized and feeling terrific. + energizing en·er·giz·ing Acupuncture has a harmonizing and energizing effect on mind and body
In Phase 1 of your recovery of optimal health, you are re-energizing the cellular metabolism Most of this takes place in the mitochondria, the tiny bacteria-like organelles that produce ATP energy from our food Restoring the efficiency of the mitochondrial metabolism generally depends upon elimination of intra-cellular toxins that have accumulated over the years Depending upon the amount and locations of these accumulations, this phase can last one or more months Later in your process you could also come back to Phase 1 to energize a different group of cells that simply held a lower priority than those dealt with first Frequency: This is the number of times you should take the remedy in a day
To apply power to a device External Adjustment A remotely located component or device which is used to alter an input or output parameter on a controller Factory Calibration To adjust a controller during the manufacturing process to specific points in order to meet the operational specifications