a type of paintball game or when a player is marked with a paintball and the break is a size of a quarer An elimination game is when two teams battle it out until everyone on one team is eliminated
When dog and handler are no longer eligible to continue the course for competition, but at the judges discretion may complete the course or continue for the duration of the course time Elimination will follow three refusals/run by, dog taking the wrong course, proceeding to the next obstacle before satisfactory completion of the preceding obstacle, if the dog is out of control, runs out of the ring, fouls the ring, is aggressive, handled or trained by the handler
The act, process, or an instance of eliminating or discharging, as the removal from a molecule of the constituents of a simpler molecule Fr example, ethylene is formed by the elimination of water from ethanol ADVANCE \x 540
Act of causing a quantity to disappear from an equation; especially, in the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknown quantities a less number of equations containing a less number of unknown quantities
WHO defines "elimination" of leprosy as the reaching of a prevalence below one case per 10 000 population
Reduction of case transmission to a predetermined very low level Compare eradication (of disease)
{i} removal, act of getting rid of; omission, act of leaving out; process of solving simultaneous equations by removing the variables (Algebra)
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of eliminasyon in Turkish Turkish dictionary