elektronik ticaret

listen to the pronunciation of elektronik ticaret
Turkish - English
(Bilgisayar) e-commerce
Commercial activity conducted via the Internet
Electronic Commerce Buying and selling products and services on-line via the Internet
[Electronic Commerce] The buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet
Commerce can be defined as the exchange of goods or services Electronic Commerce, or E-commerce as it is commonly known, is the exchange of goods or services using an electronic medium, more specifically the Internet
Conducting business on-line This includes, for example, buying and selling products with digital cash and via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Electronic commerce The process of buying and selling over the Weboften based on software products such as Microsoft Commerce Server
Electronic commerce Conducting commercial transactions electronically, particularly over the Internet
Business that takes place between companies using services such as the Internet, Electronic data Interchange or Electronic File transfer Two companies, one the supplier and the other the customer can transmit inquiries, orders, invoices, payments etc directly through their computer systems
electronic commerce, also e-business, a term for all kinds of business that are established electronically especially over the Internet This includes both electronic sale (internet shops) and B2B transactions, i e business between two companies For e-commerce standards and/or standardization bodies see ebXML, EDI, or RosettaNet
(Ticaret) A general term for conducting business and consumer marketing, product information, ordering and payment functions over the Internet instead of using traditional methods. Product delivery still requires physical capabilities unless the product or service can be fulfilled using strictly electronic means (as in the download of software code)
E-commerce is the same as e-business. the anticipated explosion of e-commerce. electronic commerce the activity of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities using a computer and the Internet. in full electronic commerce business-to-consumer and business-to-business commerce conducted by way of the Internet or other electronic networks. E-commerce originated in a standard for the exchange of documents during the 1948-49 Berlin blockade and airlift. Various industries elaborated upon the system until the first general standard was published in 1975. The electronic data interchange (EDI) standard is unambiguous, independent of any particular machine, and flexible enough to handle most simple electronic transactions. In addition to standard forms for business-to-business transactions, e-commerce encompasses much wider activity for example, the deployment of secure private networks (intranets) for sharing information within a company, as well as selective extensions of a company's intranet to collaborating business networks (extranets). A new form of cooperation known as a virtual company, actually a network of firms, each performing some of the processes needed to manufacture a product or deliver a service, has flourished
Electronic commerce: the conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers Specifically, ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds, through digital communications
(EC) The conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers As most restrictively defined, electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds, through digital communications However EC also includes all inter-company and intra-company functions (such as marketing, finance, manufacturing, selling, and negotiation) that enable commerce and use electronic mail, EDI, file transfer, fax, video conferencing, workflow, or interaction with a remote computer Electronic commerce also includes buying and selling over the World-Wide Web and the Internet, electronic funds transfer, smart cards, digital cash (e g Mondex), and all other ways of doing business over digital networks (This definition is from Dictionary com)
The act of conducting business on-line, e-commerce may include buying and selling products with digital cash and via electronic data interchange
A fusion of the two words electronic and commerce and which means to conduct business on the Internet Back to Top
Buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web
The processing of economic transactions, such as buying and selling, through electronic communication E-commerce often refers to transactions occurring on the Internet, such as credit card purchases at Web sites
E-commerce (or electronic commerce) is any business transaction whose price or essential terms were negotiated over an online system such as an Internet, Extranet, Electronic Data Interchange network, or electronic mail system It does not include transactions negotiated via facsimile machine or switched telephone network, or payments made online for transactions whose terms were negotiated offline
The processing of buying and selling via the Internet
The use of technology to conduct financial transactions online -- such as the buying and selling of products and services -- usually via the Internet The financial-transactions side of e-business
Müşterek Elektronik Ticaret Programı Dairesi
(Askeri) Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office